NBE-1013 is back

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by Rogueshadow, Aug 1, 2014.


    same here
  2. Waste_Of_My_Time

    I have same problem. Thought I was going mad :)
  3. DatVanuMan

    This is a mystery, man. Everybody, get da Lashas! We're going to find ourselves a contemptible hacker:cool:
  4. Mordicus

    It's happened a few times before over the past few weeks. When it occurs, it usually takes SOE 30-60 minutes to get things back up again.
  5. UT40kGeodav

    lets hope they haven't knocked off early for a friday beer
  6. A 59 c

    I got the error :mad:
    I logged out then back in to the game launcher and now game is working for me :)

    Hope this helps
    • Up x 1
  7. DatVanuMan

    Game's back. Devs must've fixed the issue:D
  8. DatVanuMan

  9. MoonKiller

    fixed!!!!! go go go
  10. DatVanuMan

    Damnit. I actually thought it was working, and that accursed window comes back>:[
  11. LOBOX

    cant play Q.Q
  12. Rogueshadow

    3:13 pm EST not back yet for me
  13. TSR-SeanF Customer Service

    We will have this issue fixed ASAP, please check back with us in a bit. Your patience is greatly appreciated!
    • Up x 1
  14. Rogueshadow

    3:51 EST I'm able to log in, thanks for the quick fix guys
  15. Thunde333

    Ty SOE now it works again :)