Nanoweave Changes with Youngblood and Koolaid

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by STLYoungblood, Dec 20, 2013.

  1. STLYoungblood

    Koolaid and I have finished our second episode of Duality, this time breaking down the newest nanoweave changes and providing our best advice for each kit now that the changes have taken place! If you have suggestions for future episodes, please leave a comment on the YT page. This episode features Camikaze78 as our first guest! We will have many others, including Maggie Krohn at some point, so look forward to that!

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  2. jiggu

    Great video, very informative for those who haven't been theorycrafting much about the changes. I maybe missed it but I don't think you mentioned that neither flak nor nannoweave armor stacks with resist shield as a heavy(against their respective damage types). So if you run flak armor and resist shield the flak will reduce damage from tank shots, but the resist shield will not.
  3. STLYoungblood

    That's a good point and something that we didn't bring up!