[Suggestion] Nano Weave Fix

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Commando235, Nov 25, 2013.

  1. Commando235

    Nano weave is now close to useless
    I play inf. so the bonus to health was a great thing to me but this and the 150m BASR restriction is a slap in the face
    It now just absorbs damage like a NMG shield but worse
    Not even like a NMG but more like extra shield
    Headshots aren't blocked

    It doesn't even protect against grenades

    I know some of these things had to change like the amount of damage you took from explosives
    But here are some ideas
    Change the way it increases your health back to normal
    Make resist some damage from grenades but now from rockets and vehicles
    Either make it reduce damage from headshot or just have the headshot bypass for snipers

    That's all I have
    Any other suggestions or arguments?
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  2. sodopro

    You know these changes haven't gone live yet, right?
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  3. Flapatax

    This is like watching some kid smoke oregano.
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  4. R3dBeaver

    This thread is the pinnacle of epic-ness.
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  5. Sock

    Several, although posting them might get a temp ban.
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  6. Mr_Giggles

    sounds like the guy wants to wear nanoflak
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  7. Axehilt

    Most of the damage (by far) you suffer is small arms fire to your body, so Nanoweave will by no means be useless after the change.

    It will be generally less effective. Which is fantastic, for two reasons.

    First, because now there are more interesting loadout decisions than "Always choose Nanoweave".

    Second, because it reduces the value of progression. New players will be closer to even footing, which (a) makes the game more about skill and less about who played longer, and (b) creates a better gameplay experience for new players.
  8. ohmikkie

    Nano-weave is fine now. We have incentive to try the other options now. The 1 head shot kill ability for BARs are is even now. Too far they can't kill. I still think that un-silenced they should be highlighted at greater range on the map though.

    IMHO the upcoming nanoweave changes are great. You must keep in mind that nanoweave is designed to be a protector against small arms fire, not explosives or heavy ordinance. The change is going to create a new decision as to whether you should take the flak armour or stick with nanoweave.

    When it comes to sniper headshot range being restricted, I am not so sure about this yet. However, a sniper should always be able to kill in one hit to the head.
  10. Commando235

    I honestly wouldn't care
  11. Commando235

    I know that but with these changes it's close to useless as a small arms protector
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  12. SquattingPig

  13. Corezer

    These changes will make the game easier for vets who can consistently drill the head, and conversely less accessible for beginners... Gonna hurt pops...
  14. Gary

    It barely protects against grenades... The blast radius on grenades is Max damage close to it, Medium damage near it and minimum far from it, From what i remember it does not drop off like weapon damage so having nanoweave barely made any difference. Flak on the other hand! (bow to the certification of the gods, nothing like sponging a rocket and watch the heavy squirm as you knife him point blank :) )
  15. Poorform

    This is not a good idea. Fire lungs first off, then you're soaking your oregano blunts in the sink. Then you realize the entire house smells like smoke and pizza so you run through the house dual wielding frebreeze air effects. Then your dad comes home and immediately asks "What were you doing, smoking?".

    This is totally NOT a personal experience...<_<....>_>...v_v
  16. Sen7rygun

    Laughing so hard at this.
    Yes. Yes it is.
    Nanite Mesh Nanoflak to be precise... Mother of god.

    This thread is going straight to my "Best of Forumside 2013" list.
  17. Commando235

    Jeez people on the forums are jerks sometimes
    I missed typed some things that made it sound more powerful than it needs to be
    I just want it to stay the way it is now and not change it except for BASR headshot bypass (that I am thankful for)
    Try to actually be constructive when you criticize people and also try to read correctly
  18. KnightCole

    I think the direction they went with the NWA/OHK thing was wrong. NWA isnt all that amazingly amazing. Sure, it gives a slight bonus to HP but its only like 1 or 2 rounds.

    I do know the SNipers are pissed about it at range, but the way they went about it is worse then what we have now....150m max OHK HS range?

    No, no, no! SoE you got it wrong. You dont nerf NWA, you buff or tweak the BASR. Increase max damage range to 750@50m-600@150m.

    Or, maybe, heres a wild idea, easy to do and all....change the current HS modifier to like x6 for BASR. cuz then noone will survive a HS from a BASR. 550*6? thats a really big number...might even OHK a max lol. Ok, not 6, but maybe like 3...
  19. Teegeeack

    People should be able to survive a headshot from a BASR - if they sacrifice some other aspect of defense. Sometimes you gotta stand still or move slowly. All we need is a new suit slot option to give protection against headshots, to go alongside the new nanoweave and flak armour, and to remove the 150 metre cap.
  20. deggy

    I agree.

    The Nanoweave changes are almost as bad as the Harasser Composite Armor changes. You can really tell the difference.