[Suggestion] Nanites VR Training

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by k9delta, Dec 27, 2017.

  1. k9delta

    No, i did not offend VR Training... at least not now, I won't talk about those who place mines and kill you or why the heck when i log-in i go there , losing the alert and time, what i want is : EVEN IN THE VR WE RESTORE NANITES; it's a shame if you stay there for like 5 mins and, when finally you go to a continent, you don't have enough nanites to pull stuff.
    Since this is an incontestable opinion, Devs, please do that.
  2. FateJH

    Why did you not have enough nanites to restock things when you logged in? how did you plan on enduring that time when you didn't have enough reources were you to log directly into a competitive continent?
  3. Liewec123

    better to just make a big no deploy zone like they have in warpgates,
    so if they throw mines they will instantly explode.

    i agree those mine trolls are a pain in the @$$.

    i've put safefall into all of my VR builds because DBG are too useless to remove the trolling.
  4. Eternaloptimist

    I've been tossed into the air by AI mines in VR but never killed or damaged, is this about AV mines blowing up a vehicle when you're in it or something? I've never depleted nanites in VR - had no idea that could happen. Been road killed in VR by Harasser drivers though (and by suicide when falling through the floor on logging in)
  5. chamks

    need 4-5 anti tank mines under you to be killed. engi with mine carier suit.
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