Name something you've used because you knew it would be nerfed eventually

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by DashRendar, Jan 11, 2015.

  1. barunedpat

    Banshee. Now I am doing the Air Hammer, then the LPPA.
    Because I can read patterns.
  2. STR1D3R109

    More of a bug exploit compared to a buff (A broken buff) but when they broke the prowler lockdowns to give practically hitscan cannons. you could snipe ESFs from the edge of the draw distance and bases got annihilated by HE cannons xD it was hilarious.

    And ofcourse banshee and strikers :3
  3. ComradeHavoc

    Putting C4 on Stalker infiltrators....

    You monster!! It's people like you that vaporizes armor column on Indar XD
  4. ronjahn

    Viper lightning - should only have had its armor damage nerfed. Infantry capabilities were fine until every person and their dog started using it after the armor buff.

    UBGL - they should have nerfed the splash damage, but not the splash radius. This used to be a nice weapon for cheesing kills, but they could have made it into a nice weapon intended for splash damage to clear people out of areas instead.

    Pheonix - I got to use this for about an hour and a half before the game went down for the nerf patch. It was a glorious 165 kill streak, but it wasn't meant to be. They should buff this weapon a bit; speed, agility, reload speed, turbo boost, something, anything to make this more effective.

    ZOE - why wouldn't i? The 4th faction was incredibly strong with this one. Worse than the PPA IMO. Everyone had a VS alt back at this time. >11PM EST on Waterson would mean >50% VS pop even though VS were highly underpopped as a faction back then on Waterson. Current state is a Christmas tree that causes you to take more damage. This needs a buff or overhaul.

    Pre-buff, pre nerf Vulcan Harasser - believe it or not newer players the Vulcan already once had its moment In the OP sun. Why the devs didn't learn from their mistakes the first time is mind boggling. This thing used to shred, I'm curious if the current or former form was more powerful. If the current form is more, there are some really derpy people in the SOE balancing team. I don't mind that they buffed it; it needed some love, but they went overboard.

    PPA - my friend and I would log into VS when NC was frustrating us for easy mode, point and hold kill streak farming. This is also a weapon that needs another look at. COF is LOL.

    Otherwise, I used a bit of prenerf Liberator weapons. I miss the shredders splash. I also spent some time with the Fury-H before the nerf. I never found the striker interesting enough to log into and use.
  5. zaspacer


    Knew it was gonna get nerfed, so I played the heck out of it in order to:
    1) get Auraxium with it before it became terrible
    2) get a ton of Certs with it so I could pay for a different Loadout on my ESF to replace it (ESF Loadouts are very expensive)

    I got the Auraxium and Certed Up a new alternate Loadout on my two TR characters, then stopped using Banshee in favor of my new Loadout (Needler + Hornet + Racer + Stealth + Fire Suppression) long before the nerf actually hit.
  6. Mustarde

    UBGL, pounders and stickies :)

    Only one has been nerfed.

    Oh and rocket primary ofc
  7. VonStalin

    pre nerf c4 and c74 viper