My very own "I'm getting sick of..." thread

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Karragos, Jan 20, 2013.

  1. Karragos

    I'm getting sick of shooting people with my shotgun at point black to 5 meters and not hitting anything, even though that big ******* circle is right smack dab in their chest on my screen.

    I'm getting sick of still getting lockups.

    I'm getting sick of hackers, the ones that hit my sniper from halfway across an Amp Station the second I come out of stealth.

    I'm getting sick of the constant drop in framerate despite having a decent computer, awesome connection, and even setting everything to low. This is not even during major battles.

    I'm getting sick of dying so much. I'm not talking about a firefight. I'm talking about the very second I begin to come around a corner I get cut down by fire before I even so much as fire a shot. People who kill me before I even finish coming around the corner and see them.

    I'm getting sick of my suckiness in this game. At least that's how I feel when I'm killed by people who come out of a doorway, see me, and kill me before my gun registers a shot. If I'm at a doorway, have not been spotted, and fire the moment I see someone coming out who should have no idea about my position, how am I dying?

    I seriously want so bad for these to be L2P issues, because that means I can try harder, learn more about my class, and improve. Instead, I feel like I need to look up connection tweaks, what server has the lowest ping for me, or what server overall is actually stable with a good serverside latency.

    Finally, the biggest thing I'm sick of?

    I need to go everywhere else but the Planetside 2 Official forums to get any information about patches, offer feedback, or feel like I have a say in anything. It's not that I think my opinion is any more important than anyone else in this game, but the whole Reddit discussion for feedback just pisses me off.