My top 3 of TR weapons

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by zant91, Mar 21, 2015.

  1. Oogbar

    T5 Amc, T9 Carv S/ MCG (WHY CAN'T I JUST DUCTAPE THEM TOGETHER?!?), And Onslaught, for making Pb showers! Though, nothing spells complete derpus like getting Frac.'ed or Thumped when you're flying a reaver or scythe! ... And nothing is as satisfying as duel frac.'ing or thumping aircraft! XD
    ... Though you'll need at least Lockdown 3 to thump those guys way up there. :(
  2. SwornJupiter

    Any/all MAX weapons with max-level Lockdown.
    Except the fractures. Oh god, the fractures are still terrible.

    But the increased fire rate of the onslaughts ACTUALLY makes them feel like miniguns.
  3. H4YW1R3

    My main if VS (formerly Waterson). But recently VS has become a bit overpopped so I've been trying NC and TR. My experiences will be limited to the topic. And I'm far from BR100, so I don't have the experience that TR commenting in this thread have, and I'm still learning TR weapons and adjusting. But as VS, I know what weapons kill me most often. So my picks (so far) are:

    1) MSW-R
    2) Jaguar (This weapon was SO great before it's nerf, but it's still a good weapon for my style of play)
    3) Armistice
  4. GhostAvatar

    There are only two I really like and miss. T32 Bull and T5 AMC.
  5. Kaindestroi

    TRAC-5 S - the most versatile weapon in the game, what can´t i do whit this thing?

    MSW-R - LMG that thinks its an assault rifle, yummy

    TSAR-42 - infils got their shotgun in this baby
  6. Towie

    1. Vulcan Harasser

    2. Vulcan Harasser

    3. Vulcan Harasser

    (...or that's how it feels to the VS and NC ! Sorry - couldn't resist... Actually the P2-120AP is tasty and deserves an honorable mention)
  7. omfgweeee

    Agree on 101% for T1 Cycler. Every time i meet TR medic i just know i gona die ...
  8. pnkdth

    1. T32 Bull. Many people will tell you think is just a 1000 cert Rhino. They are wrong. The Rhino is a reliable bullet hose, the Bull is a precision tool.

    2. Cycler TRV. Put a grip and SPA on it, go to town. But first, get used to burst/tap-firing. Enjoy hackusations, because apparently you are not allowed to get mid ranged kills with this weapon.

    3. Lynx. Ever since the Icarus JJs this is my favourite. Was close with the Jag before but now the Lynx just edges it out for me.
  9. Eternaloptimist

    I have a strong HA and sniper bias, which is reflected in my choices:

    1. Why does no one mention the T32 Bull? a superb all-round lmg (though a bit short on reloads)
    2. The RAMS .50 'nuff said
    3. the MSW-R for CQC - gives the Orion a run for it's money

    I should say that I use compensator and fore grip on the T32 to make it more effective at range and get the best out of that muzzle velocity
    • Up x 1
  10. Eternaloptimist

    Hah! Pnkdth mentioned the Bull while I was typing this!
  11. Goldmonk

    1) RAMS .50, as the person above said "'nuff said" I love my RAMS to death.
    2) TRAC-5 S, so many attachments, so little time
    3) TAR, something about that assault rifle just gets me giddy. Is it the way it looks?
  12. JKomm

    I don't play my TR much, but I'd have to say:

    1) HC1 Couger(It's accuracy and range are complimented with an incredible model... only downside are the silly TR sights)
    2) Claymore(By far has more uses over Bouncing Betties and Proximity Mines, being able to place them back-to-back in narrow corridors or stand right behind them is a plus)
    3) TX1 Repeater(Honestly don't see why anyone uses anything else, the Repeater is an incredible close range secondary with an unbelievable rate of fire that make is superior to the other TR sidearm choices... even has select fire in case you really need some distance)