My thoughts on Max Weapons/Abilities so far

Discussion in 'Test Server: Discussion' started by Elrobochanco, Apr 24, 2013.

  1. Elrobochanco

    Wow I'm glad this stuff didn't go live.

    NS Frag launcher - This is a joke right?

    NS Flamethrower - Surprisingly balanced, Kind of weak actually. Could use a little wider cone on the flames to help alleviate the large deadzone in the middle, or more damage. Also let's just say it, could really use some faction colored particle effects.

    NC Sparrow - Hahahaha oh jeez. Ridiculously powerful and perfectly accurate. Obviously needs some tuning, but the design is all over the place. The models show missiles loaded as if it's going to fire rapidly but its a single shot reload.

    TR name I can't rememeber AV gun - Seems fine if not a bit boring. Am I missing something, do these things home, or lock on?

    VS Starfire - Art team really took a half day on this one huh. Top half of a lancer on a pistol grip, no "buttstock" compared to the other VS Max weapons. Neat concept, but with no way to control accuracy seams somewhat silly. You can charge up your lasers for huge damage...that will likely just fly off in some useless angle.

    One thing's for sure, all 3 of these new AV guns are positioned to be tuned to be OP compared to the older ones, which don't look updated at all (same with the old AI guns, it appears for the MAX pass they all count as "good enough" since they just want to sell new stuff)

    Can't really speak for the abilities since we can't really live fire test them. I fully expect first rollout of the TR ability to be as silly as the prowler lockdown patch. The cone that they can aim in is just ridiculous, it should be 60 degrees or less. There really isn't a downside to using it once you've gotten into position, unlike the tradeoff NC has to make, and VS will apparently have to. There is literally no effective downside to using anchor when indoors.

    I don't see how MAX update will be ready for live for a while if this is the state it was in when it was already delayed.

    On the upside the harasser is fun as heck. But the ability to mount tank guns and a gate diffuser is the dumbest idea anyone has ever thought was clever.
  2. Ash87

    TR AV gun isn't that bad. It needs somewhat of a buff, but nothing major.

    The Starfire looks fine, but it's ccuracy is HORRIBLE

    I'm not going to touch what you said about the Lockdown.

    Yes, the Frag cannon is horrible. This thing does not need to exist.
  3. Ranik

    Yeah the TR AV could use something a bit extra. As it is it's only particularly interesting when combined with lockdown.
  4. felfox

    I dunno, I think the buggy is in a great place and the shield defuser will be a great way to have little hit and run rampagers. I'm also fine with the tank stuff since it means you need a dedicated gunner but what I'm not okay with is the disparity that will come with it... As a VS player my options are saron sniper cannon or worthless as heck ppa versus in particular the TR vulcan which will chew up and spit out any enemy buggy...

    For the weapons, the sparrow seems ludicrously op while the TR one seems boring but fine (although lockdown and extended mag turns this thing into a monstrosity...) The... 'starfire' is like a heavy beamer :p it looks silly and while really powerful, has aim that is so bad you wouldn't be able to hit someone if they were face sucking the barrel of the gun... It is by far entirely worthless...

    As for abilities, I can't say for NC since we'd need to live fire test it but the lockdown is AMAZING. I'm actually fine with how it works and it takes no time at all to activate and deactivate. The vertical ark I think needs tweaking otherwise this thing will demolish air but otherwise will be scary as heck in base combat just like it should be! The ZOE can't be tested but I'll stick to my belief that this ability will be entirely worthless in base combat and op against air unless the speed boost is VERY fast...
  5. Ranik

    I agree with the sparrow being probably OP, but I would prefer if they make the TR AV - The fracture have something special. We are kind of getting tired of the bland weapon mechanics.

    However, the Vulcan on a buggy is a major major gamble. Try actually shooting a harasser with anything not small arms. The thing is slightly tougher than a Flash. So the vulcan will be nasty but holy crap is it going to be dangerous to get in close.
  6. felfox

    True... but what would be the alternative? I mean besides NS gear, the saron would be able to hit a thing with how much that thing bounces and the ppa is worthless. Not sure about NC, they might be sorta left out too... Either way, a good buggy driver will be hard to hit and that thing handles like crazy, I'm already foreseeing TR buggies charging in to group of magriders and ripping them to shreds or even other buggies in dogfights.
  7. felfox

    Argh I'm sick of this edit thing not working... I meant the saron wouldn't be able to hit a thing...
  8. Regis7575

    My brief playtime was only with the VS stuff and the only thing I had a chance to notice was that the starfire needs an accuracy buff. Laser beams should not have CoF when charged in my opinion.
  9. Ranik

    As for what they could make the fracture i'm not sure. They already have the model completed so that limits options a lot. But going off of the model...

    Light rotary AV autocannon of some sort. Basically less Burst DPS but better overall DPS due to constant fire.

    Same as now but with sort of a burst feel to it. IE more of a swarm launcher rather than a slow firing dumbfire AV. Think the same dumbfire missile spam but larger clip, faster RoF and larger CoF. IE PS1 Rocklet launcher on a MAX scale.

    What they could do is give the Fracture different ammo types like the Rocklet launcher in PS1. AP shells / HE shells. If it's going to be boring, at least make it customizable.

    Hell that should be the TR motto. "Yeah our stuff is a bit tame but it's more customizable"