My Patchnotes for PS2.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Scr1nRusher, Apr 26, 2014.

  1. Whatupwidat

    AA turrets are only on /some/ bases - so no use if you're in open country - and I can't afford a burster MAX set up or a Skyguard as they cost a LOT of certs I'd rather sink in somewhere else.

    It's a game set in the future - seems only logical and fair that in a world of VTOL attack aircraft there's also weapons that can lock onto them.
  2. Pikachu

    I exxpect patch notes from the eskimo.
  3. Flamberge

    Stopped reading here. If this was the only thing added in an update, that update would be my favorite update of all time. Period. Would make it a 1 headshot + 1 bodyshot kill (assuming no heavy shield or nanoweave).
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  4. IamDH

    GIF war!

    Lol im going to stop so i dont get the thread locked.

    I agree with OPs patch notes but after reading a bit of yours i disagree with some points.
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  5. Scr1nRusher

    I think I could really help/improve the game with this first set of patchnotes.
  6. Bruno Puntz Jones

    NS Vehicles/Weaponry:

    • Removed all weapon specific cert lines for vehicle weapons. Stat bonuses granted by cert lines such as magazine size, ammo capacity, and reload speed all have been rolled into the base weapon stats.
    • Vehicle weapon optic unlocks now cost a flat 200 certs for each type to unlock and are universal to a given vehicle, making them available for all weapons mounted on that vehicle once purchased.
    • Vehicle weapon optics now can be purchased with SC. Optics purchased for SC will be unlocked account wide and will be available on other characters using the same vehicle.
    • All cert points invested in vehicle weapons have been refunded.
    • Collapsed all vehicle NS weapons into generic unlocks. Unlocking a weapon for any vehicle now unlocks it for all vehicles and all positions that can use that weapon. Weapon stats may vary slightly when mounted on different vehicles.
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  7. Corporate Thug

    So...If it is a shot gun then buff it, it if is a vehicle weapon then buff it, if it is a sniper rifle then buff it, if it is anything with AOE splash then buff the heck out of it, but just give the other infantry weapons more movement speed?
  8. Pikachu

    Yes their damage and such is fine.
  9. Corporate Thug

    I am an average player but I find vehicles, shot guns and other AOE weapons just too easy like TOO TOO TOO easy to use already. I have used every vehicle in this game and pretty much every weapon besides a few TR LMGs, oh and ZOE. Most things are fine the way they are now. There is nothing wrong with having to be precise, even with tanks. I run AP on all my tanks and have ZERO issues killing infantry, so the rare times I run other guns imagine how much easier it is for me. As stated..I am just an average player with a crap computer whos stats are better than most, but only because I don't take easy ways out and I tried to improve. I understand it's effort in a video game, but when you have to play with others who aren't bots then it does require some effort. This game is much easier than most people think.

    Edit: I disagree with most things being buffed or even nerfed but I totally disagree with anything that doesn't require aiming as in splash damage or shot guns. I am sort of ok with lock ons since they lock on to vehicles that all do splash and farm but a better solution would have been to make vehicles a bit more powerful but less common to actually fit the role of vehicles on the battlefield instead of MORE and cheaper lock ons. I also realized that most things are easy to use so new players can get in to them and be some what decent, but after a while SOE realizes how easy it was to begin with and tones it down and gets raged at because some of their players leaned on that one thing to hard, like the harasser. Any twit should have realized that it was too powerful for it's resource cost and speed+survivability, but how many cried when it got nerfed? People want to be good at video games when they actually suck massive ****. Improving is too hard and trying to find a crutch won't help much with your rehabilitation.
  10. Pikachu

    My thought was that you thought that I wanted to make everything more lethal but then you were surprised to see not so much buff to infantry weapon.
  11. Corporate Thug

    I'm actually ok with infantry weapons atm. I only think they needed to change 2 weapons in all. The EM1 only needed a bit more damage or rate of fire, and the Lynx should have just gotten an additional 45 RPM. Vehicle weapons are currently ok. I would be in favor of making them more powerful but I would want the trade off to be increased resources. I think we get too many resources for too little effort as it is, which leads to spam and carelessness by the users because they know they can pull another one at any moment.
  12. Scr1nRusher

    I wish I could help make PS2 better.

    These patchnotes that I'm making/Posting show that.
  13. MajiinBuu

    For Pikachu's patch list, srry op
    Most of these I agree with, some of them not so much. If you don't see your idea than that means I like it ;) If you do see it, it doesn't mean I don't like it, might mean I'm curious.
    Also this is a monstrous post, I'm not gonna [/qu ote][qu ote] that many times, I hope you forgive me.

    And here's what I think about your choice of color for your text;
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  14. Scr1nRusher

    @MajiinBuu you could have did my changes :p
  15. Pikachu

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  16. Scr1nRusher

    anyways getting back to the thread topic....
  17. z1967

    Omg, buff the armistice by making it so choosing laser or ex mags is not directly nerfing it. Genius! And pistol sights of course but ex mags ALS armistice would be my new favorite weapon.
  18. Skooma Lord

    I agree with many of these suggestions. The increased battle rifle damage would be nice. Also the AI MANA turret buff.
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  19. Pikachu

    You should put away that skooma for good a minute and write down your own.
  20. Skooma Lord

    :eek:Fine... Just for a minute!...
    Anyway here is a quick patch notes list off the top of my head: (mostly N.C. stuff - I mostly play N.C. sorry Vanu and Terrans):

    Infantry Weapons
    • AC-X11 bullet velocity increased from 480 to 590
    • Reaper DMR bullet velocity increased from 555 to 600
    • GR-22 bullet velocity decreased to 580 from 600 to fit its close-quartered role (I think the Dev's made a mistake decreasing the Carnage A.R.'s bullet velocity)
    • Carnage A.R. bullet velocity increased to 600
    • Razor GD-23 bullet velocity increased to 570
    • HC1 Cougar bullet velocity increased to 550
    • All burst variant weapons velocity increased by 50
    • The Under-barrel Shotgun can now be fired without switching to it
    • New weapon Optic: 4X lit up reticule scope
    • Battle Rifles now have a secondary burst fire mode that is twice the R.O.F. as semi-auto mode at the cost of reduced accuracy
    • All S-Version weapons now have the same stats as the default weapons except a longer reload
    • When the slug ammo is used for shotguns its velocity is upped by 100
    Cosmetic Changes
    • The Grip attachment now goes on the correct spot on many weapons
    • Carbines now have a stock
    • Many weapons models updated to be unique
    • N.C.'s AF-57 Piston, N.C.12 Sweeper and Mauler S6 now have unique looking models
    • The Handle/Grip now look unique on many weapons (before most of the weapons had the exact same grip as the pistol with the spot where you insert the magazine still there)
    • Secondary Camo can now be applied to the player character's clothing (one camo for armor and one for clothing)
    • The laser pointer attachment on the AF-19 Bandit does not clip through the weapon
    • Many small bases/outposts have been removed to allow more battles to happen between other bases
    Vehicle Balance
    • Reaver's top speed increased by 20
    • The Razor GD-23 now has the correct thumbnail image matching the actual 3D model (this image was used for the Anniversary Decal awarded to players who played on the first year)
    Thanks for reading.