My opinion on the AA launcher

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Kassidus, Dec 6, 2012.

  1. Kassidus

    I use it a lot, its is after all one of the few deterrents we can use on the move.
    That said thats all it is just a deterrent, my stats on it are around 20 kills, 500 shots fired with a %50 hit rate.....
    So its Def not OP, I dont think the changes will improve it much.........however not being able to fire it without a lock just killed its usefulness, before I could at least in a pinch fire it at a tank (with reduced damage) or i could fire it a hovering galaxy that was out of my range and score a lucky hit or I have a weapon that im stuck running around with a roughly %10 kill chance......who the **** is gonna waste there time and certs on it ?

    I have half a mind to join the refund group, cause i sure as hell wont be using it much.