My opinion on GU11 Resource changes

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by The Crimson Overlord, Jun 24, 2013.

  1. The Crimson Overlord

    As far as the MAX resource changes go, my word could not carry more bold rage. SOE has committed the truly unthinkable by making an infantry unit that is non-optional to tactical superiority in Planetside 2 even harder to get a hold of, never mind use. The NC Scatmax is ****, no denying that, but now I guess the NC don't have to worry about bad MAX weapons anymore because they can't spawn any.

    Now, as far as armor goes:

    A person or squadron who specializes in vehicles should NOT be punished by making it harder for them to even use the equipment they've been learning to excel in and use. That is what GU11 has done, it makes it more difficult for a would-be tank commander or driver to even have the vehicle, especially if their faction isn't doing well and, more likely than not, being run over and blown up by the superior force's armor columns because of the new prices.

    Instead, the game should make it more likely that an unaware or overly bold pilot or driver is "punished" by making infantry a bigger threat with either new anti-tank options or, better yet, making the current options less expensive, like mines and C4. That way, it opens up the possibility for some LA and Engineers (especially ones equipped with the AV Turret) to become tank hunters, rather than clipping the wings of people who got into the game precisely because they thought, "Awesome, a combined arms game where I can actually specialize in piloting something!"

    It hurts the game with both veterans who cut their teeth (and wallets) on armor; and with newcomers not being able to see those spectacular combined-arms fights that are the key selling point of this "Freemium" game. SOE is cutting their own wrists and the wrists of the grease monkeys with the new resource "balance". The resource costs need to be toned down to an acceptable level, otherwise MBT fights and MAX crashing will become a thing of Planetside 2's short past.
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  2. Macchus

    Agreed... and the answer ive seen most on the forums is ... You need to vary your playstyle ... why should someone certed high in tanks be forced to play infantry if they dont want to ? same for ESF or even max ... if your gonna impose all these timers and high resource costs so people play infantry more , then why not just totally remove all vehicles , except for the harasser which is probably the goto vehicle for all threats ... then we can all harass each other and zoom from facility to facility doing cool jumps !!
  3. deliciouspizza

    Agreed. There are tons of players who only play air, ground, or MAX and this update has essentially ruined the game for them. Whenever someone does manage to pull a vehicle or MAX they'll have to play super conservatively and defensively or risk having their vehicle or MAX prematurely destroyed and having to wait an hour or more to play the game the way they prefer to play it. Not to mention that credits spent on acquisition timers are completely wasted now.

    And why should a player have to play multiple roles if they don't want to? This update pulled the rug out from under thousands of specialist players for no good reason.
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  4. The Crimson Overlord

    As much as I like the Harasser I don't like seeing a future in which MBT fights are replaced by road rage.

    And I agree completely with the "varying your playstyle" bit. Planetside 2 is a game that should reward you for trying new things and shouldn't impose a restriction on the player if they want to change their playstyle on a whim. But now not only are current, "settled-in" armor and MAX players affected negatively but also new players who come into the game are being punished, rather than being rewarded, for trying out something new.

    I mean for gods sake, think of it like this: A MBT now costs more than a Sunderer. What can a MBT do? Blow up vehicles and infantry. What can a Sunderer do? The same thing, but also spawn dozens, if not hundreds of infantry who can destroy your defenses, capture your bases, and take away what little resources you have from spawning a MAX more than 3 times in 20 minutes.
  5. The Crimson Overlord

    This really needs to be seen. Sorry, but bump.
  6. Meeka

    I have no trouble spawning MAXes when I need them... which is probably the key, "When I need them." I just don't use them on a whim, I use them when there's heavy enough resistance or need to bring my MAX.

    And how quick/often are you dying that you need to be pulling a tank every couple minutes? If someone is a full-time tanker they're losing that many tanks that quickly, they really ought to consider a career change.
  7. deliciouspizza

    I'm a full time tanker with a 1.3 k/d and I was just on a continent my faction was struggling on and I waited an hour and a half for a vanguard. That's ridiculous.

    Sure, I could have gone to Indar. I would just have to abandon my outfit and all my friends so I can play the game how I want to play it.
  8. Lord Robert

    All you've got to do is spend some real money on boosts and membership and this all goes away.
    At least I'm pretty sure that's the message SOE wants to convey. And you know as well as I do, in 30 days, when they look back at the numbers, resource boosts will be selling at an all time high.
  9. f0d

    couple of minutes?
    if you are getting 50 resources per tick and a tank is 450 resources thats 45 minutes - and if you dont have much territory then well bad lack it looks like you wont be spawning any tanks today

    its just crazy to expect someone that has thrown all their points into tanks or max's to have to wait 30+ minutes just to use the things he specializes in
  10. Tommyp2006

    IMO this entire resource scarcity issue would be fixed if they would allow us to sacrifice our resource capacity in some areas to increase it in others, allowing players to specialize. I know I would sacrifice air resources without hesitation, because I probably only spend 1/50th as many air resources as I do either mechanized or infantry, I just am not a pilot, nor do I ever care to be.