My Nub question thread

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Loud Demon Jaysus, Nov 1, 2017.

  1. Loud Demon Jaysus

    hello all i have a few unanswered questions i ask many times in game but never seem to get a answer

    maybe you can help me out :D

    i am a TR Player

    1. as a max unit is the Heavy Cycler better than the mutilator?

    2. if i use threat detect optics am i able to spot invis sundys with maxed stealth

    3. What type of armor ability should i be using as a heavy i have all of them level 1 because i cant make up my mind

    4. How does one tell how much cortium is refined i hear its a big part of winning an alert

    5. Does the deep operative infiltrator implant significantly make me undetectable or am i better off using other implant combinations

    thanks for your time guys
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  2. LordKrelas

    (Dodging ones I lack the answer to)
    Threat optics doesn't work on cloaks. (Usually makes it harder to even see them as well)

    Armor ability, I assume for HA, depends on your usual tactics, a lot swear by Adrenaline or resist shield.

    Top of the Map screen, where you see the VPs.
    Hover over one of the Icons, it'll bring up a little pop-up with the cort status.

    It barely works that implant it would seem.
    At least to where you can't really notice it.
  3. CMDante

    In order

    1. No, the Mutilator is just a high capacity version of the Cycler, basically a straight upgrade

    2. Nope, optical camo > heat signatures

    3. Until recently Resist Shield was the best option if you activated it before a fight, not so much anymore. Adrenaline is pretty much a direct upgrade to the default. It recharges slower overall but kills get you bak in the action.

    4.One the map you can mouse over the three faction's territory control and it will show an overall window.

    5. I believe it reduces the predator effect, but it is not true invisibility. So it may fool some people better than others.
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  4. Sazukata

    1. Seems to be an oversight, but the Mutilator is a straight upgrade over the default. That said, you can still choose Mercy for accuracy or Onslaught for CQC shredding.

    2. Nope. If anything, cloaked things are even harder to see under thermal sights.

    3. Default is the best all-rounder for lowest upgrade cost. Adrenaline is only better if you're killing multiple enemies in succession (otherwise it drains faster and recharges slower). Resist was recently reduced (40% -> 35%, wasn't listed in patch notes as far as I know), but nonetheless, it's advantage lies in mitigating headshot damage and/or making the most of your health while under effects of healing (restoration kit, ally medic, etc.)

    4. As stated in above post, you hover over the territory control numbers at the top of the map screen.

    5. Haven't seen much discussion on it, but I've heard that it helps stay undetected when sprinting at medium range. Otherwise; if you have your first implant slot reserved for a must-have, Ammo Printer is great for getting a recon dart back every so often.
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  5. Loud Demon Jaysus

    thanks guys i appreciate the intel i should know these things me being a lvl 60 battle rank and l you guys just gave me new goals

    does this mean night vision will work on spotting them?
  6. LordKrelas

    No, anything that effects vision usually scrambles the ability to see their outlines.
    As in, usually it completely removes any visual you can see from your screen basically.
  7. Oleker2

    you can go to VR Traning and test the optics.
    Basically imagine the optics turn all the ground, buildings, rocks and trees into gray/green color and the enemy soldiers in white/orange. Taking out all hud icons in the process.

    Stealth sunders are not 100% invisible the same way as infils. They leave a "distortion" effect on the screen. Some times is harder or easier to detect. In general, look on your mini-map and try to see from where the enemies are coming from. Over time you will learn the most-used / obvious sunder locations on bases and the stealth will be basically useless against you.
    [EDIT] Stealth becomes meaningless when there is 30+ people spawning on in and shooting close from it. Personally I prefer to run deploy shield or composite armor.
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  8. Iridar51

    No. They're virtually identical, except Mutilator has more ammo and more ugly.


    This should help:

    Mouseover one of the percentages at the upper part of the main map:

    It's a big part of starting an alert, doesn't really have anything to do with winning.

    No, it's useless.
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