[BUG] My infiltrator is getting fresh with his SMG.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Purp, Nov 6, 2017.

  1. Purp

    I noticed after the second or third spawn, my infiltrator's hand will slide up and down on the rail (?) of his SMG. I have noticed this both on Vanu and TR.
  2. freeAmerish

    Swing the knife!
    I often have a similar glitch, but after swinging the knive one time, it´s disappeared...
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  3. Demigan

    Ofcourse your infil gets fresh with his peashooter. My chars only get fresh with big caliber Guns until they find an enemy to unload upon!

    Just see it as a nastiier form of teabagging and I'll bet you'll be fine ;)
  4. Lamat

    Take a cold shower and think about baseball
  5. RockPlanetSide2

    This has been a bug forever, why some people see it and others don't is beyond me. Every SMG for me spawns the first time and my chars hands are in the wrong place (I have to load a different weapon then come back, and magically they are in the right place)... it has been this way for a ****ing year.

    It just sickens me when glitches like this take a year to fix... it just appears that nobody gives a **** about their game, that is why it is so irritating. It is a simple code fix.
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