My hat is off to you SOE, your parent company has finally learned a crucial part competing.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by DonC, Jun 13, 2013.

  1. DonC

    So as I watch everything Microsoft held dear burn and turn to ash due to their decision, I will say that you guys have actually learned a thing or two about competing, you made me proud, specially by following the right direction and using the advantage over your competitors.

    Good job.

    Wait SOE is Sony, no?
    • Up x 7
  2. IamDH

  3. MilitiaMan

    I work at Microsoft......I new this would end badly when they said "always on"....

    First thing I though was "O good, I can pay 499$ to have big brother in my house at ALL TIMES"....

    Hopefully they will reconsider this move before release....

    Right now, PS4 will be my go to console this year. Fair price and PS2, FFXIV, and some other nice games will be coming out for it ;D
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  4. DonC

    That gets even creepier after a guy exposes the NSA collecting data up and down, for me? no thanks.
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  5. Kurohagane

    SOE is a part of sony.
  6. Kevorkian

  7. DonC

    Haha, yeah.

    It's amusing how they think their console will not see it's demise due to this.

    Let's see how long it takes them to change.
  8. Bill Hicks

    the only company that will see its demise will be nintendo. Unless they make a Zelda that is not motion controlled and so good that I think I am playing " a link to the past" then I wont buy that console.
  9. ExarRazor

    have you seen the trailer for the wiiU smash bros?

    it's awesome

    and its got MEGAMAN!

    also, not as cool, but still up there in coolness

  10. Fenrisk

    There is so much epic win in this video. Thumbs up!
  11. ExarRazor

    yea, that was pretty funny
  12. tastyBerryPunch

    So I can share PS2 with my friends now?!:eek:
  13. Bhudda V1

    thank you good sir you just made me laugh for a good 2 minutes straight
    i needed that
  14. commandoFi

    People without internet can stick with the Xbox 360 don't matter to us.
  15. Bape

    Funniest **** really lol it was smart for them to put that voice playstation thing in the end that what made it even funnier lmao.
  16. FigM

    I'm pretty sure Microsoft is in denial about the whole thing. They can't afford to take a step back and reconsider, this is a one way trip now

    Same with Windows 8
  17. Hickbilly McFreedom

    Made my day, what Sony is doing pretty much solidifies my next choice in console.
  18. Turkeys!

    Microsoft needs Bill Gates back full-time again. They just suck without him.
  19. DonC

    Actually I think all of this was his idea, he was always a DRM freak since the early internet days protecting his stolen OS, he said he always envisioned the Xbox to be everything in your household for entertainment and this is it.
  20. MilitiaMan

    A lot is being fixed in the next update from what I have been reading.

    All in one is fine, but DRM has never been a good idea for consumers and always has a huge backlash.

    The always on, always watching and listening turned me off instantly.... Hey, Mr. NSA guy! COME TO MY HOUSE AND RECORD ME! I WILL PAY YOU!

    Wish I was in that meeting...