My first auraxis

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Werkitten, Jun 13, 2020.

  1. Werkitten

    I'll just share it to relieve stress. Today I filled my first auraxis and it is (suddenly), a Viper. In view of the features of this device, it was necessary to fight almost exclusively against equipment and destroyed cars for each frag accounts for 2-3 pieces (due to the low damage of a separate projectile, the driver in 2/3 of cases manages to jump out). The search for the last kill before the medallion was strictly according to Murphy's law, instead of the lone infantryman I was looking for, two Terran harassers got out, which I somehow managed to blow up... and not a single counted kill t to the first at the last moment ran over my mines, and from the second the crew ejected and escaped, and only after 5 minutes of intense fighting, the desired kill was still found. (Sounds a mixture of love and hate for this gun, mixed with the sounds of overcoming).
    If the game wanted the challenge to end epically, it succeeded.
    I need a vacation.

    Since the topics on the forums imply something that concerns everyone, I suggest sharing stories about how you got your first significant achievement for you.
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