My Farewell to Planetside 2 and why I'm leaving

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Fatalness, Jul 22, 2013.

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  1. Fatalness

    Hi guys Fatalness here and Im just gonna share with you guys my farewells to this game as well as the reasons I am leaving. I have 500 hours played on this game and was my favorite game for 8 months. I play on waterson. I've spent $300+ on this game. Here are the main reasons Im leaving

    1. Outfiside 2. Upon selecting my faction I was thinking about what FACTION I wanted to fight for. I picked NC and never left them since. For the first month everyone worked together, random public squads would show up with teamwork,everyone had mics and we all got along. After the total Indar occupation where no one left indar for 2 months. The game changed. Outfits were the main concern. Digital Revolution, TIW , DVS, PHX, and a bunch of outfits popped up and the forces began to mass into those. It seperated the NC, no one respected anyone outside of the faction they played. Being in some of these outfits the thing the leaders were most exited for was being able to fight each other in MLG events. The teamwork stopped,leaving us with the zerg force the "public players" are now. It teared the NC and I have no doubt it destroyed the other factions to. During most attacks with my old outfit we wouldn't call the enemy the TR we would call them TRAF or Imperial Reach. Outfits destroyed the teamwork even though they were created to enfore it. Command chat has no tactics just fights about who has the better outfit. 2. The scam that is SOE. Sony scammed you all if you have ever have purchased good weapons in the game. When the come out every one loves them then SOE nerfs them to the point they suck so bad that there is no point in equipping them, then you look for new gun to buy and you buy it,they nerf, endless cycle of money and profit for them. This is cheap and down right terrible for SOE to do but most guys are blinded when this is happening to them. 3. Small concerns of the meta-game. Here are just some small concerns of the meta-game and concepts in PS2. First on is Battle rank. Why don't they mean anything? Higher ranks should have more power in the game than the starting players. Its how basically all military systems work in the world. You should get better rewards for ranking up and have more influence on the battles if you are high ranked. You rank up to quickly I think as well. Another concern is the inbalance of weapons and equipment. There are alot of guns in the game that NO ONE buys or uses because they just plain suck. WHY have these weapons not been made DECENT at least. They are out there so players can buy them,be happy with their purchase and SOE gets the money for it. There are guns that are STILL bad from when I started playing the game. Why would anyone want to buy a bad gun. Next I want to talk about the roadmap. SOE claims to be really in touch we the community. This is true. They comment and talk to players on the forums about their ideas but how many of the things on the roadmap have been introduced by the community. Almost none.
    The game right now has TERRIBLE map design. Want to know a better solution than frickin lattice? Redesign the maps, relocate the warpgates . Make the maps hexagons not squares and then their are perfectly equal and compact so no back capping or ghost capping can take place. Lattice completely removed tactical attacks. Also my frames before the first update were around 120-140 in battle and now around 40-60. Most game updates ruined the game. I personally think this game is lost,dying and needs a revive. Hopefully this game will revert to its fun and absolutely stunning state it used to be in. So this is my farewell. I hope the best to all of you. Thank you fighters of the NC(the few there are). Its been an amazing ride. I hope the community as well as the devs rebuild the game. Bye everyone.
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  2. Yasa

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  3. Rolarin

    See you later. This game doesn't need people who whine about mechanics all the time.
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  4. DeathTollDavid

    Maybe its because I am older but do people do these kind of posts for closure or for drama?

    When I'm done with a game I just stop playing.
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  5. Flaeb

    Start a new paragraph for every "number" so it isn't a giant wall of text. Thanks.
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  6. Lady Majestica

    Maybe it's some form of self-therapy. Least they don't have to pay $200 and hour to lay on a couch. It' just costs them 15 mins and half a can of Pringles while they type.

    That said, there needs to be a special section of the forums for these kinds of threads, you know, that section where nobody ever goes to read anything.
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  7. sSie

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  8. ih8Darian2

    Can I have your stuff?
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  9. SenEvason

    Didn't bother reading, but bye.
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  10. Tradewind

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  11. PS2Freak

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  12. Kenny007

    +1 to this. Not sure where the popularity of the 'farewell but also screw you' post came from. Seems to be quite common with gamers, but also for any other user service (websites, forum boards, etc). I wouldn't be surprised if it were directly related to age, which would be unfortunate, because I'm not that old (20s) and feel these are terribly obnoxious cries for attention.

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  13. Linedan

    "Take the paragraphs. Leave the cannoli."
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  14. Tradewind

    It's like some last word entitlement thing kids have now. Having until last year run a WoW guild for the better part of 7 years, I've had my fair share of rage-ridden farewall diatribes from people who have been kicked or otherwise quit the guild for their perceived sleights. They are a source of constant amusement and I sticky them as a matter of public record, for mockery and amusement.
  15. TheJosephChrist

    Can I have your stuff?
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  16. Ash87

    So long, and thanks for the fish.
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  17. RealityWarrior

    Anyone else read this and realize the rest of the post wouldn't make any sense either?
  18. HEAT

    Bye. Have fun with Call of Duty 6536377487 and Battle super awesome DLC 3
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  19. Eclipson

    This. These, "I'm leaving the game so i'm gonna rage about it one last time so I can keep a sour tast in my mouth!" threads are getting old. If you are done with a game, why waste more time telling people about it. Thats time you could be using to start playing another game. Or even better, going outside for some fresh air and hanging out with your friends. :eek:
  20. HEAT

    thread not going as OP intended....
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