My experience with TR infliltrator

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by Exostrike, Jan 14, 2013.

  1. Exostrike

    I play mainly TR engineer but I decided to get into the infliltrator. After 1.5 hours here is my findings

    Firstly I find the cloaking field pointless. when your sniping at range it isn't that useful if spotted you can just duck behind cover and move to a new postion. When trying to get away from approaching enemies they will spot you quickly and take you down. Overall I just end up forgetting about it.

    Your armour is bad so you can't stand up to much. This wouldn't be much of a problem since in theory your engaging at range but see below.

    The starting TR sniper rifle is useless. damage is bad so you just end up spraying the weapon at enemies hoping to take them down by chance. With a x6 scope and engaging a base at medium to long-range I could really kill anyone. Your focus function is useless since it only lasts 3 seconds which isn't enough time to line up your shot or enough time to empty the clip at a target.

    After this I shelled out 100 certs for the cheapest bolt action. With the x6 scope its better but not that much. Having to de-scope out to load a round is annoying. On the otherhand your more likely to take down a target in a single shot which is good. The focus is ok on this gun since you have to de-scope to reload which re-sets it.

    I still however feel the infliltrator is a bad class. To get good kills I have to get in so close I can easily come under fire and any other weapon would let me kill just as good and be better in close combat. So in truth I've wasted 160 certs in this experiment.
  2. SharpLight

    You are doing it wrong!
  3. Exostrike

    Yes but I have to move in to be sure of hitting the target. Otherwise I miss and waste a few seconds.

    I'm not talking about attack them from 10m away, more from firing from the next building over.
  4. SharpLight

    I was replying to your statement that the class is bad, I don't play infiltrator only a little to get a the bronze medal on the default weapon and then got the M77-B to have in case I needed it and played that a little too to get the medal. Now I only switch to Infiltrator to hack stuff and then switch back (and have my pistol out at all times). So even though I am not a big Infiltrator player I can see that you clearly don't know how to use it.

    If you are going down the sniper route then you have to use the cloak after every shot, you have to learn to shoot de-scope and turn the cloak on in one movement, practice at the warpgate until it becomes a second nature to you. Starting with the default scope learn to shoot only at heads and only when the head is filling the center of the scope, then move up the scope ladder. Change position after the second shot. Be patient, snipers are like spiders. Learn the map and find good sniping positions.

    Infiltrators are not the Sniper Class as a lot of people seem to think, but you can turn them into one if you want. You think just by switching class and spending certs you can become one of those snipers you see on youtube, but that actually takes a lot of skill, time and luck.
  5. Exostrike

    Or you just buy the top sniper rifle with SC as every sniper that has killed me seem to have done.

    So really you just have a class that to be good you need to be an expert. Well after wasting my certs I might as well just go back to the engineer.
  6. Benton!

    TR infiltrator is the best infiltrator there is, even when stock. It all comes down to the repeater.
    • Up x 1
  7. Exostrike

    Pistols are poor in this game. You're always running out of ammo before you can take the enemy down and then he kills you while your releading. Even then with the infiltrator if you have to engage the enemy with the pistol your probadly dead already.
  8. SeraphC

    If you're sniping you should not be in 'the next building over'. You should be far out, preferably in a position with a solid overview of your enemies and if possible not in front of them (where the bulk of your factions infantry is coming from). If people are shooting at you while you're sniping then you are most definitely doing it wrong.
    Being close to max rendering range is often not a bad idea.

    The gun is not ideal, but it can sometimes save you or get you kills when you get the drop on someone. Practice with it, aim for the head. If you know an enemy is coming for you, use your cloak to get yourself an opportune position at the start of the fight.

    The cloak is not useless at all. You just need to know it's limits. Pay attention when you're fighting hostile Infiltrators: when can you see them, when do they disappear.

    Yes, the top bolt actions have an advantage, but they don't make or break the class.
  9. Exostrike

    Yes but then I miss with most shots and could be wasting all my rounds at a gliting rock.

    Usually when I start shooting them. But since I'm usually in cover I just move behind it after a shot.
  10. Silver Pepper

    I always find bullet drop in this a bit confusing, to be fair. What feels to be the right amount of bullet drop compensation is far too much, and I'm wondering if (in the bigger fights with resulting smaller render distances) it's even noticeable.

    Also, VS Sniper. Point and click adventure game!
  11. OldMaster80

    Pistols are generally poor, but the TR stock pistol is one of the best around. Spend some certifications on it and it will give you nice kills. Of course if you take your target by surprise. No way you can win a 1 vs 1 fight against a HA, that's sure.

    At any way, it's well known that Infiltrators are just good at sniping. The Hunter Suite and the weapons we have make possible to do the job in a very effective way.
    The problem is when you try to infiltrate a base: very bad from every point of view, with all three Empires :(
  12. SeraphC

    Aim better, have some restraint: only shoot if you know it's going to hit the target. And if you're shooting the rock ... stick your head out more. You shouldn't be spraying around bullets hoping to hit something.

    VS Bolt Action rifles also have bullet drop.
  13. Silver Pepper

    Giraffe camo!
  14. Jests

    This class improves drastically when you can afford the more expensive sniper rifles. I unlocked the Longshot yesterday and it's a night and day difference. I already have 20% higher accuracy in the stats page, and my headshot:bodyshot ratio feels like it's gone up about the same.
  15. Exostrike

    So we have another area of the game where that P2W rears its head again. And no I'm not spending money on station cash yet.
  16. Jests

    I don't blame you, I vowed after DCUO that I'd never spend money on another SOE game again since they love to drive them into the ground for quick bucks. Of course, I also made that same vow after SW:G so there you have it :\
  17. Exostrike

    Well I've played another 2 hours and I have to say I'm not impressed with the infiltrator. Even with x10 on the cheap bolt action rifle its almost impossible to line up a headshot at range. All I can do is take a body shot but by the time I've ready they've run away. Even then its impossible to get the famous stationary target we've all told to shoot at since even stationary people are always moving around a bit or turning.

    My cert gains was also pathetic, only got 10 certs an hour and most of that from base captures.

    So no I'm not going to be using this class again.
  18. Lakora

    You're obviously doing it wrong...

    The TR starting rifle is a 2hk with headshots... So learn to compensate for bullet drop which is the hardets part, than practice trigger discipline on how to almost instantly put two bullets downrange faster than they can move WHEN they're standing still. Might take a while than switch targets find one person who stands still, focus and quickly put two bullets into their head.

    The TR starting rifle is more of a weapon in the 100-150m league maybe even out too 200m if you are able to compensate for bullet drop properly along with a good scope. This is my opinion tho.

    Also here's the thing Cloaking REMOVES the spotted triangle which you as an infiltrator can't afford to have right ontop of your head.

    Also 10c an hour? Damn you are doing it wrong. o.o I easily get 10 per 5m if it's a big target rich environment.
  19. Exostrike

    one problem, how do I know that I'm in that range when this game doesn't give us range finder info. Most of my time I'm shooting at inch tall dots.
  20. Jests

    Well, there's 2 ways. The first is through experience and just kind of getting a feel for it. I'm guessing that if your target is just an inch tall drop and you're using the default bolt action you're at a pretty decent distance. I'm going to tell you right now that the bullet drop at that range makes shots a lot harder than they need to be.

    The second way, is to go to your squad/platoon waypoint and use that as a range finder. I'll usually try to find a good spot ~200 meters outside of the way point. 200m, I found, was the most effective range.

    Also, about the certs per hour... Januk, in a target rich environment you can pull higher certs per hour but the trick is finding target rich environments. One of the more challenging parts of infiltrator, when it comes to cert farm, is finding that sweet spot where you're:

    -- flanking the enemies behind cover
    -- The conflict line isn't moving rapidly back and forth
    -- You don't discovered by other troopers flanking
    But hardest of all:
    -- You've angled yourself so the server is merciful enough to grant you a decent rendering distance.

    Infiltrator, I think, is in a rough spot not so much because of the class capabilities but because of the pretty abysmal coding that went into rendering.