My account is gone

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by NoobGaming, Dec 17, 2013.

  1. Bassett

    liekd 4 typo
  2. Shootaloo2

    Good, good. I told my relatively new but hooked friend to check his account because "the new patch supposedly wiped a few accounts."

    Here we go
  3. Airazor

    I logged in about 2 hours ago and my characters where gone and the game wanted me to make new chars and choose server. I simply logged off and started DLing the Just Cause 2 so I could play the multiplayer on it haha. IF my character and account is gone for good....oh man, Sony has a lot of cleaning up and explaining to do!

    I'm sure they are fixing it right up and getting everything in working order. I'm not to worried. You know, if my characters where gone it would almost be a blessing haha. I am way to addicted to this game.
  4. Alopix

    It seems to be because somebody turned Jaeger back on for some ******* reason, but it's not in maintenance. The game is opening up because it has a connection to one of the servers, but there are no accounts on that server, so it defaults to the create character screen. I don't think any characters have been lost!