My 2nd thread about Warden battle rifle

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by SolitarioSoldat, May 14, 2013.

  1. SolitarioSoldat

    They added an option of long velocity ammo....

    My final thoughts of it, worst weapon out of all classes, single shot + server lag + taking to kill 5-7 shots depending of where you hit your enemy = weapon with pure failure.

    Upclose battle = disadvantage ( understandable)

    Midrange= disadvantage ( not understandable)

    Faraway= disadvantage ( SOE can I have what you smoking?)
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  2. EViLMinD

    I like this gun because I dig semi-auto guns. Its range is quite good, but its midrange effectiveness could use a little more buffing. I'd up the DMG, perhaps, so it can compete with the other options.

    With the 6x sway added, I prefer to use the 4x now (still use the 6x on occasion, though). It would be great if the gun was stronger at the 4x range. I think more DMG would help.
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  3. SolitarioSoldat

    definitely needs to do more damage\, its practically usless....
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  4. Pikachu

    Buff damage enough to reduce number of shots to kill by 1. :)
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  5. NietCheese

    Yeah I don't understand it at all. I was using the Mauler shotgun with Slugs as a battle rifle because the other options were so poor.

    You had to stand still to land the shots and the bullet velocity was terrible, but 3 or 4 body shots would kill most people. A real battle rifle feel about it, heavy hitting slow firing, required aiming.

    So SOE nerfed slugs + shotguns, and buffed battle rifles, so I thought sweet I can use a battle rifle for battle rifle style gameplay.

    Wrong. It is junk. At medium range you can drop people faster by burst firing an SMG. It should be a 4 body shot kill. 5-7 shots is a joke.
  6. ColdCheezePizza

    over a thousand combined hours into this game mostly as infantry and I can't recall a single death by baddie rifle, plenty of assists though.
  7. SolitarioSoldat

    its a CLASSIC piece of junk, ugh have all my HA weapons with purple medal except shotguns since I never bought one, but this Warden is a pure pain, 700 kills so far and it feels like it takes a lot of time...
  8. Blarg20011

    I use it to complement my AV turret, first I use my wire guided sniper rifle, and if I miss I finish them off with the AMR-66.
  9. Pikachu

    I bought it with certs for my engineer. Gave it a serious try but I felt it was too weak. I went back to my great carbine with the brown grip and high ROF whatever it's called. That thing is so much more pleasant to use.
  10. Rabbitz

    Gun that has horrible sound do horrible damage.