Multiple Monitor Fixes

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by MERCURY, Dec 20, 2013.


    All of us multi-monitor gamers are very excited about the ability to play PS2 across 3+ screens, however with the return of the open FOV I have found an issue that I hope gets worked out.

    Some items do not render at all until you are within close range.
    Approximate Examples:
    Terminals don't render until 20m
    Air vehicles don't render until 100m
    Trees don't render until 150m

    I hope this helps Dev team.
  2. Gleerok

    Are not those a side effect, and even, perhaps, desired effects of the optimization patches?

    I've noticed that sometimes if I am very far away (~230m) on a cliff and I'm facing a base, if I very quickly hide myself behind the rocks and then face the base back I can see that multiple buildings and items are missing, but then render back very quickly.

    Unfortunately no, when I switch back to single screen the draw distance is awesome.
  4. Arenthas

    Yeah same here, render distances for multi monitor are off, vehicles cull out too close. Bump for dev support.