Multi-month sub should pay SC up front

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Joehunk, Nov 24, 2012.

  1. Joehunk

    I was directed here to make this suggestion by the CRs in this thread:

    I think if you pre-purchase a multi-month subscription, you should be granted all the SC for that subscription up front. You are already granted the % bonus to income as if you had been subscribed the entire time; I think the same should happen with SC. If it did, I could justify a 6-month sub by saying "well, I could pay $30 for 3000 SC, or I could pay $70 for 3000 SC and 6 months of +50% everything." As it is now though, I am very conflicted whether to spend my cash on SC for unlocks or a sub.

    The problem with slowly infusing 500 every month is that presumably the value of SC is allowing people to buy stuff right now as opposed to waiting for it, and then you make people wait for the 500 SC every month. Also, very little can be unlocked for 500 SC or less.
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