[Suggestion] MSW-R and GD-22S need changes

Discussion in 'Heavy Assault' started by toako, Aug 14, 2016.

  1. toako

    Do I believe the current state of the 325 certs LMG's affect actual play to a unreasonable amount? NO
    Do I believe the said LMG's could still use some tweaks? ABSOLUTELY
    FOR ANY OF YOU ******** FACTION FANBOYS... I originally wanted to make this thread on how the Pulsar LSW should be buffed but while looking at the stats I realized that the LSW is completely balanced and discovered the MSW-R is too good for its certs. This thread is about comparing a NC to a TR weapon, and I play VS mostly. So I have no bias, just some raw stats and recommended changes!
    Hi everybody! The stats of the GD-22S make it a direct downgrade from the Gauss SAW (when comparing pros and cons) and the MSW-R is a direct upgrade from the T9 CARV (also when comparing pros and cons).

    Green highlighting means the weapon is balanced by some other stat.
    Red highlighting means that stat needs some tweaks or needs to be recognized.
    Stuff with no highlighting means that I think the stat needs no change.

    ~~MSW-R (when compared to T9 CARV)~~
    • Hipfire values cut down by 1/3
    • 0.05 better ADS moving accuracy (negligible)
    • ADV laser sight
    • Soft point ammo
    • Reload speed cut ~1/2 (balanced by ammo amt.)
    • 1/2 less ammo (balanced by reload time)
    • 50m slower velocity
    • Smaller ammo pool (by 150)

    ~~GD-22S (when compared to NC6 Gauss SAW)~~
    • 77 more RPM (balanced by damage model)
    • 20m more velocity (really negligible)
    • Reload speed cut ~1/2 (balanced by ammo amt.)
    • Hipfire values cut down by 1/3 (balanced by damage falloff)
    • 0.05 better ADS moving accuracy
    • Negligibly small boost in total accuracy (0.01)
    • 1 damage model lower, 200 to 167 (balanced by RPM)
    • 10m more drastic of damage falloff (balanced by hipfire reduction)
    • 1/2 less ammo (balanced by reload time)
    • Smaller ammo pool (by 150)
    • Small chance to miss first shot while ADS (0 to 0.03)
    • Lack of access to HVA
    • Lack of access to ADV forward grip
    CONCLUSION: As it is now, the MSW-R sacrifices very little to get A LOT. Stats-wise, the MSW-R is a more CQC-ish version of the T9 CARV and is basically an upgrade. A big upgrade? Well, that is for you to determine. Meanwhile, the GD-22S is also a more CQC-ish version of the Gauss SAW that actually is a downgrade because it lacks the attachments.The MSW-R either needs a SLIGHT nerf or the GD-22S needs a SLIGHT buff. That means either stripping the MSW-R of its attachments and reduce velocity OR giving the GD-22S access to the advanced laser sight/SPA.

    Please leave a response, but make it constructive! I want to see thoughts and maybe some stuff I may have missed.
  2. Eternaloptimist

    I agree that the lack of attachments on the GD22S is a bit strange as it is a purchased upgrade/sidegrade. Almost as if it was originally intended to be a starter weapon, while the SAW has the attachments. But the high RoF and fast reload on the GD22S still make it pretty dangerous in CQC.

    PS: for a CQC weapon that would be SPA with advanced laser sight.
  3. MrMinistry30

    Sigh... Considering NC you are comparing a long range weapon to a short range weapon, dude! NC is the only faction that has a long range, heavy hitting and slow firing LMG as a starter weapon.

    Starter LMG:

    VS - Orion
    short range, (weaker) equivalent of the MSW-R

    TR - CARV

    NC - Gauss Saw
    long range

    The GD-22S is not even the NC equivalent of the MSW-R, that would be the Anchor (if it is about the attachments).

    There is no doubt that the Gauss Saw is quite a strange choice for a starter weapon because it is quite unique and hard to handle for new players so i think the EM6 or GD22S would make much better starter LMGs while still emphasizing the NC specific traits.

    Buffing the GD-22S is stupid because it simply becomes the Anchor then, just go and buy that one if you want the attachments. If you want to buff any weapon attachment-wise to match the others let it be the Orion, which you completely ignored in your post.
  4. Gutseen

    orion is better then CARV hence smoother recoil
    Gauss Saw is for exp. players that can autofire 60+ bullets in 1n spot
    MSW-R is just **** hence being less accurate then CARV and less versetile then NS15

    Butcher - THE ****
  5. toako

    I think you're missing the point of this thread, I sorta am, but not intentionally comparing the GD-22S to the MSW-R. When I see a 325 cert weapon, I want to compare it to the default because the cert cost whispers to me "we could have made this the default but it's not so we're making it cheaper". Also you're saying "buff" as if it is a major game changer. When I want to buff or nerf one of these LMG's, I want it to be minor. But at least having some kind of OPTION can help the player psychologically knowing that they put certs into their weapon to make it slightly better than it was. Adding attachments to the 22S would not make it tremendously better. Also, you seem to forget that other factions have LMG's that are very similar *cough cough* (flare & ursa, rhino & bull), so making the 22S more like the anchor is not a major issue. Also, the Orion is my love and joy, by far my favorite weapon, and is the combat king in CQC, it doesn't need attachments. Vanu weapons can be nice because they are good right from purchase (in most cases). I also need to point out that if the Orion was a "(weaker)" version of the MSW-R, everybody would be complaining about that weapon.
  6. Gundem

    None of this is taking into account recoil stats, which significantly effect a weapon's handling.

    The GD-22S is one of the most accurate guns in the game for it's damage model, having respectable recoil and a mere 1.5x FSR. This is just one example of a weapon being more then meets the eye, and why those stats alone are not a valid representation of a weapon's in-game performance.

    Just keep that in mind.
  7. MrMinistry30

    @toako Orion is the only 143x750 lmg (=107.250) for the vanu so it is quite logical that it is considered CQC king within the VS heavy equipment. Compared to a fully equipted MSW-R or Anchor (which are the other factions >100.000 CQC alternatives) it falls short. Besides that, the other factions have even more >100.000 LMG so you could conclude that the Orion is THE VS CQC LMG which is in return not underlined by giving it equally strong attachments... To be honest, i usually prefer the LSW over the Orion/betelgeuse in most situatons. it has the same lame attachments and even a lower ROF but feels much more accurate.

    Considering equal weapons, NC already has EM6 & Anchor that share the same stats like the other examples you mentioned, so that argument is invalid. There is no need to buff an already great weapon like the 22S when there are even more competitive weapons in the arsenal.