Motion Spotter getting out of hand

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by SuperTrooperWaterloo, Jun 20, 2015.

  1. stalkish

    Aaaand my whole post is ruined by the forum not rendering my picture.........

    F u c k i n g_s h i t forums......
  2. Nintyuk

  3. DQCraze

    Beacon is easily removed with emp and the thing shows up from far enough away you can easily remove it.
  4. Stormsinger

    I was just looking for one of these old posts to reference, I like this type of idea.

    To expand on things a bit - My own perspective on radar is thus:

    It's a necessary tool for the game (Some form of minimap oriented scouting, at least. The range makes it more potent in some bases then others, however.) In my opinion, the radar nerf of a ~yearish ago was enough (Targets have to be moving to be detected, previously - all targets, stationary or otherwise were shown.) And the vehicle Scout Radar nerf from a year prior to that was also quite effective. (Vehicles have to be manned to detect, previously - people would just park scout radars outside bases and go about their business.)

    That said, there really should be a counter for radar that's actually viable. (I do not count implants here. Motion spotters / radar in general is extremely easy to deploy. Implants aren't a viable counter due to their cost, which in my opinion, is extreme.)

    My thoughts for infantry based radar oriented things:
    • How about a suit slot for Radar absorbent armor plating? 5 cert ranks total, reducing the effective detection range of a given radar by 10-50%
    • For infiltrators, a UI indication that you are in an active radar detection area seems obvious - Green light for no radar, yellow light for countered radar (when using the radar absorbing suit slot), red light for when you are being actively detected.
    • Detection jamming tool - Radar Darts are replaced by Jamming darts, creating a small dead zone within a detection radius, without informing the enemy that the detection has been countered.
    • Decoy Grenades Suck, add in a dart-launcher option for this. Create false contacts on enemy radar within 30-50 meters of the dart's impact (Perhaps as an alt fire mode, rather then a dart replacement - distractions should be a part of the standard infiltrator kit.) Max cert rank of this could also create holographic projections of a default-camo infantry unit sprinting in a random direction, baiting enemy units into revealing their positions.
    • EM-Scattering grenade - A weaker, but more specialized version of the EMP grenade. The detonation covers a much wider area, shorting out all active infantry deployed radar darts / motion spotters / detection bolts within ~40 meters. This method still uses nanites, but tossing one just prior to any rush / advance would be more then worth it.
    • Adapted IR/NV scopes for Infiltrator-specific primaries (Scout rifles, close-range oriented semi autos, etc) - Adds an indicator / glowy beacon thing in the direction of an active radar source when ADS-ing (While halving the infantry highlighting affect range), allowing infiltrators to manually track Scout / Proxy radar vehicles hiding outside base walls and motion spotters.

    Just my 2 cents!
    As someone that parks scout radar flashes with max stealth around contested bases, I would hate that last one. :p
  5. Nintyuk

    I do this too! I sit on the back and give ammo and shotgun fire to anything that comes close.

    Well a Additional Idea I had was giving LA grenades and IR smoke from Vehicles the same affect for while the smoke lasts.
  6. Copasetic

    Which makes it useless for LA, obviously.

    Also I don't think it's a good idea to put the only counter to motion spotters behind a massive grinding time sink. It would take a new player months to grind a SS4 implant and only a couple hours to unlock the motion spotter. Bit of a disparity there.