[Suggestion] More XP for Destroying a Beacon

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Stormlight666, Jan 28, 2013.

  1. Stormlight666

    Today I was defending the Crown and noticed the VS had placed a beacon at the far top of it, so I switched to a LA and spent 5 minutes trying to get up to the very top to kill it while dodging drop pods and enemies - I got 28 xp.

    How about making it worthwhile (other than for just defensive purposes) to waste time in trying to get up to a beacon placed in a high spot to kill it, time you're not getting xp for other things.

    Make it 100 xp to start +20xp for every drop pod that a beacon brings to a fight That'd give more incentive for people to go after them in combat (those players that even know what a beacon is because of the games LACK of informing new players about them).
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  2. Haterade

    I don't like the way beacons work at the moment. I find their hitbox too small. You either have to drop an explosive or an entire clip to efficiently take out one. I can't tell you how many times I've died whilst trying to shoot that little pixel.
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  3. Stormlight666

    Well the 2nd Beacon I went after at the Crown today (on a small rock halfway down a cliff), I BARELY managed to kill with my HA (unloading into it) point blank and zoomed in before I got sniped.

    I do agree they need to have bigger hit boxes and a lot less life.
  4. {joer

    Or you could use your sight and you know, aim. Never had an issue with it.
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  5. Cougarbrit

    Uh I can take them out just fine with just a few shots, don't see where your problems are coming from. Sure they're a little tanky for overpriced thermos flasks but that's probably to prevent them from being taken out with a few stray shots.
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  6. Astraka

    Or knife them. Knifing them kills them in two hits. Easy.
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  7. ScrapyardBob

    And makes a whole lot less noise as you kill it.

    Beacons need the HP they have so that they can withstand a bit of punishment. Especially since they are very visible, a priority target for the other faction, and they can only be placed every few minutes (3 minutes base timer).

    My only objection to beacons is when they get buried in geometry so that you can't kill them at all.
  8. Stormlight666

    I'm just saying they should be worth more XP and should stand out like giant purple stars (for VS) on your minimap.
  9. Stormlight666

    Yeah well having to spend a few minutes jump jetting to the very top of the tower spikes to get at one while dodging drop pods and sniper fire makes me think they should be worth a LOT more than 27 xp.
  10. MasterCheef

    beacons should be a prize to go after, but i think the devs want to move away from rewarding everything with xp. they probably like the fact that the main motivation behind destroying beacons is game tactical and not artificial.
  11. Stormlight666

    Well today I saw a beacon and posted in chat that it was up there. Then went to switch to LA to try and get it. ZERO of the other defenders went for it, just like ZERO went for the 2nd beacon i got later on. Make it worth 200-300xp and they'll flock to try and find them to kill. Then again I always argue that the TR on Jaeger are useless, especially when the Crown is involved.
  12. ent|ty

    Now tell me... would you have taken out the squad beacon if you didn't get any XP?

    I would.

    XP is irrelevant.

    Therefore, more XP will change nothing, other than for a few modern gamers that won't do anything unless they get rewarded.
    Because the bright column of colored light reaching high into the sky isn't enough of a tip off.
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  13. {joer

    I'm just saying they are fine, and no they shouldn't stand out like stars on your mini map.

    Things really went down hill in online gaming when they introduced "quest markers". Figure out where to go on your own. You see drop pods? LOOK FOR A BEACON.
  14. EvilKoala

    Just knife them.. Two swipes and its gone. And you don't make a ton of noise, giving away your position.
  15. Slyguy65

    Ya beacon kills should be AT least 250xp
  16. Eyeklops

    So exactly how much XP do you think killing a non-moving inanimate object is worth? "but, but, but...it's defended by troops"...that are worth 100+ XP each, there's your reward. Beacon should be worth nothing IMO, people will kill them for tactical reasons, no need for XP.

    On a side note, they are incredibly hard to kill with H.E. tank weapons. After 5 tank shells at practically point blank range I gave up, got out of the tank, and just shot it with my pistol.
  17. MrPokealot

    I have no problems with beacons. I think its good that they're small and hard to hit, otherwise people would find them too easily(not forgetting the super tall light beam). As for the low xp, well, I suppose it could be a little higher.
  18. MrBloodworth

    You mean worthwhile other than you just removed a spawn point for the Enemy?
  19. Lakora

    First off your xp suggestion is stupid fair and square 100xp base fine but +20 per drop pod? Who the **** would actually destroy it than? I sure as hell wouldn't destroy it until after a few hundred drop pods. If anything, 100xp base than -10 per drop pod if you want an incentive. See it, kill it. If not you get nothing.

    Anyway they're fine the way they are currently, only reason you didn't have anyone else going after them is an obvious one... Crown, that place is a meatgrinder for xp. So ofc they wouldn't take down a beacon that brings in more xp for the meatgrinder it is. At other Towers n bases I see squad beacons go down so fast I'm surprised if anyone has time to spawn on them since no one likes losing a base after just capping it.

    EDIT: Might as well just remove the XP part of the game and make a base cap worth 15 certs (30 for a biolab etc) and 5 for defending(10 for biolabs etc)
  20. kagekiri

    I had the same problem yesterday: firing near point blank, with the beacon clearly rendered, and getting no damage notification. Then I stepped out of my tank and just shot it with my carbine at the same range....it's like it's invulnerable to explosions.