More Population and Faction Game Mechanic Concerns

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by AirSuicide, Dec 11, 2012.

  1. AirSuicide

    I have played all 3 races, and some serious balance is needed to make TR on par with Vanu, and the NC -

    First off lets go over some facts:

    Game population -

    TR - 13%
    NC - 62%
    VS - 25%

    Taken from this website in the support forums statistics page. Note these numbers include all servers.

    TR bonus- Faster Reload, Higher Cyclic rate, average health on tanks and aircraft
    TR Cons - Below Average damage on all weapons, Highly inaccurate, Below average health on all infantry units

    VS Bonus - No bullet drop, Special Aoe weapons, Vehicles have unique Strafe abilities, Weapons are EXTREMELY Accurate. Average damage from weapons, Above average Cyclic Rate.
    VS Cons - Squishy tanks and aircraft

    NC Bonuses - High health/Armor on all units, High Damage from all weapons and units, Special abilities on tanks make them invincible for a short period of time. Surface to Air Missile damage is almost double that of the other races.
    NC Cons - Slow refire rate, Vehicles move slightly slower

    After reading that, you can see why it is no surprise that the NC has the most population, and the Vanu have the 2nd highest. Both of those factions abilities and bonuses far outweigh those of the Terran Republic, in so much as to make Playing a Terran slightly pointless. (Don't take my word for it look at the numbers.. Only 13% of all players are Terran.... Can you blame them?

    One of my personal complaints with TR is that firing from the hip just 20 - 30 feet away with the Cross-hair dead center on a target you can fire off an entire clip and never hit the target with a single round.

    Another is that it generally takes almost an entire clip to kill someone (And thats if your lucky enough to have almost every single round hit) here as you can be 3 even 2 shotted to be killed.

    I am not calling for Nerfs, no I am calling for a re balance of the Terran Republics bonuses abilities and stats. Currently Vonu and the NC are vastly superior in terms of numbers (Population), mechanics, and bonuses. TR only does as well as they do simply because the players with the highest level of teamwork organization and skill, seem to play Terran. If the Factions were truly balanced TR would walk over the other factions consistently due to this.

    Honestly the TR and the NC bonuses RP wise should be Switched, simply because the NC are rebels, Since when do rebels have better equipment then a well funded Empire? They don't.

    Class against Class 1 on 1 "All things equal including number of times hit, useing the current faction bonuses and Cons".

    * The NC will win against the TR 100% of the time as it takes far less shots/hits to kill something
    * The NC will win against the Vanu 100% of the time, as they are squishy and again take less hits to kill like the Terrans.

    The Vanu will Win against the TR 80% of the time because of Accuracy, and bullet drop, they will hit more often and do more damage the the TR when they do hit.

    The TR will never win in an equal 1 on 1 battle against either the NC or the Vanu because the NC and Vanu, game mechanic wise bonuses are Vastly superior. Essential a TR is dead before he can hit enough times to kill on both accounts.


    On TR Missiles (As I find no issues with the other races other then they hit a lot harder -

    SAM and Missile damage in general on the TR side, Needs a serious Buff. The fact that it takes 4-9 missiles to kill an aircraft is nuts. Not to mention completely unrealistic, as is the fact that you can should a person at point blank range with one and it barely damage them or just take their shield off. Honestly if You get shot with a rocket.. your dead period, and in pieces.... If your within a 5 meter radius, your dead period and in pieces.

    Some serious balancing issues need to be worked out with missiles.

    Don't buff them to where its a rocket fest of course, but a slightly larger AOE with slightly increased damage against armor and infantry and massively increased damage against Aircraft would be nice.
    • Up x 1
  2. DoomBlackDragon

    You should jump on waterson and see what TR are doing there. Rebalance is not the problem. Faction populatuin is the problem. With some of the worse bonuses for the underdog faction. For being under cap by 20% you are only given a 5% bonus to xp. WTF is this garbage.
  3. AirSuicide

    I am on waterson. TR manages to take continents on occasion but the NC and Vanu consistently have continents. This post has to do with faction balance, however. And the Factions bonuses for the TR are worthless compared to the Vanu's and NC's.

    I mean look at it like this, both the NC and the Vonu have REALLLY awesome special crap fort heir race, weapons special tank abilities which rock no bullet drop etc. All of which are extreamly useful.

    The Terrans Get jack ****. What use is a faster cyclic rate, and reload time, if you can't hit anything? or if the damage is so low that you need to empty your clip just to damage an enemy? I mean for example I can empty my pistol clip into an NC soldier... and not even get through his shield. I mean really...


    Get a direct hit on an enemy 5 times with my TMG-50 and them not die, yet they shoot me 2-3 times in the "body" and I flop over dead.

    I have stood and emptied my weapons (and I don't list them here because its most of them) into an enemy not 20 feet away directly in my cross hairs (from the hip) and not a single round hit, or one or 2 hit. If I manage to reload before they turn around and pop 2 in me to kill me I am lucky as hell.

    The TR weapons need serious re balancing in accuracy and hit damage. You can shoot an nc in the head with almost anything except the sniper rifles (and even some of them) and it wont kill your target.

    That's pathetic.
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  4. Gruug

    I have to question a few things. First of all the "all servers" statement. Now way you can get a precise picture of populations on ONE server let alone all of them. Secondly, your numbers are based upon what? One snapshot? One particular time of day? Random times of day? In any case, pops vary greatly based upon ALL the above. If you see NC with more pop at one point you will see VS with more at another or TR at another.

    I could just say, based solely off MY experience, that the TR have the pop advantage. However, I would be wrong to do so as I do not play 24 hours a day nor every day.

    If you are asking for ANOTHER nerf of NC, think again and bring a better set of "facts" to the argument.
  5. AirSuicide

    And yes it is the TR, and not just me, I had no issues with this when I played Vanu or NC. it IS the TR faction in general, which is the issue.
  6. AirSuicide

    @ Grug-

    On left side of Page is the poll, and it updates daily. Also I am not asking for a "nerf" I am asking for the Devs to re balance the TR and give them something Cool and useful like the NC and Vanu have.

    I mean just compared to the NC and Vonu the Terrans list of good things about the TR game mechanic wise is a friken joke at best.
  7. AirSuicide

    Tanks -

    Which would you pick -

    1. TR = Siege mode decreases reload time


    2. NC - Short Invincibility, Higher Health, and Higher damage


    3. VS - Straffing, Supper accurate, no bullet drop, Fast

    Lets be Honest, Your going to pick #2 or #3, Your going to laugh at #1

    Aircraft -

    TR - Faster reload, Faster Cyclic rate
    NC - Higher Damage, Higher Health
    VS - Super Mobility, Special weapons

    Infantry -

    TR- Faster Reload, Faster cyclic rate
    NC - Higher health, Higher damage
    VS - No bullet Drop, Highly Accurate, Special AOE gun

    In all cases your going to choose NC or VS. There is something seriously wrong with that, which is my point.
    • Up x 1
  8. Hungus

    You are basing your numbers off an online poll, what a joke.

    Your post is obviously extremely biased too.

    Also as a side note TR are the strongest faction on my server (on Indar, because no one cares about or plays the other continents).
  9. AirSuicide

    I am not talking about servers populations, I just listed that as an example. I am talking about FACTION abilities, and the disparity between them.

    Stop focusing on the population part. it was just listed as a W..T..F thing. And to prove a point about the factions appeal to players due to it's bonuses.
  10. Clockfest

    First off, not to be a troll or anything, but you sound a little frustrated. The 'facts' you posts are nothing like what I've seen ingame, and I am srsly wondering what game you are playing stating that TR is facerolled 100% of the time. I play on Miller as NC, and the TR there regularly conquer continents, and even this afternoon after a long night of battle managed to cap all 3 of them. That said, I completely disagree with your statements on the 1-on-1 stats you provide us with. For starters, what are you basing those percentages on? NC vs TR = 100% win for NC? I'm not saying that this false since I'm not the best player the NC has, I would call myself mediocre at best, but in a 1 on 1 I feel pretty evenly matched with most TR's. I get the feeling NC does a little more dmg per hit at slower ROF and more recoil, while TR has more accuracy and higher ROF. Not saying balance is perfect, but you make it sound like TR are completely helpless, which, considering the stuff I just said, makes me wonder if you are just a below average player getting bested by people better then you, and then going around blaming it on balance.

    Concerning the vehicle department: you claim that the TR has nothing special to showboat with, so it is by default worse in your opinion than the other factions. What if we adapted your wording to the following:

    1. TR = Siege mode decreases reload time and recoil, average health, average damage


    2. NC - Short Invincibility (IF Certed into, mind you), High Health, and High damage


    3. VS - Strafing, Higher accuracy, No bullet drop, Low Health, No turret.

    Looks a bit different now that you list pro's AND cons for ALL tanks, doesn't it?
    Same could be done for the planes and infantry ofc. It just shows me you are very biased in your opinions.
    But hey, prove me wrong, roll a NC or VS char and report back when you have reached top 10 of the leaderboards with it showing us how badly you dominated the TR with it.
  11. AirSuicide

    I wasnt stating TR is facerolled a 100% of the time. I was stating that 1 TR against 1 NC/VS would always loose, if all thigns were equal except faction bonuses.

    Heres why:

    Health and damage > Cyclic rate/Reload
    Accuracy, No Bulletdrop, higher weapon damage then TR > Cyclic rate, Reload time

    Let me break it down.

    * I as a TR shoot you as an NC/VS 3 times, Due to the faction pros and cons I may miss or hit all 3 times, In either case your still alive.

    * You as an NC/VS shoot me as a TR 3 times, I die.

    * I as a TR shoot you in the head twice, you "might" die
    * You as VS/NC shoot me in the head once, I die.

    Like I said I have played TR, NC, and VS.
    TR has severe Balance issues and need several buffs to make them on par faction wise with the NC and the VS.

    NC, and VS are decently balanced and work just fine.
  12. AirSuicide

    * Actually the VS tank does have a 2ndary turret, I know because I've been shot and killed by it before. Like the NC shield though (And the Flash's Weapon) I believe you need to Cert into it.

    Certs or not, The NC and VS bonuses are still superior, You also forget that in TR siege mode the tank is Immobile, which is a severe handicap, not a bonus (Since siege mode does not increase damage resistance etc or anything).
  13. Beartornado

    Both the TR and VS weapons feel so much better than the NC weapons. Our vehicles may have some nicer bonuses but our infantry in general is terrible and usually needs to cert upgrades on their weapons to even compare to the default of the other factions.

    I'll only really agree that the TR's MBT is rather poorly designed since you have to land both shots to equal 1 shot from another MBT, and you only get your bonus if you lock down and stay still making you an easy target. And the weakest part of the tank (the rear) is even bigger and easier to hit thanks to the square design.

    Personally, I think the NC only has higher population because it sounds better. In reality none of the weapons I've tried on NC infantry feel nearly as good or effective as TR and VS.

    But it could be that every faction thinks the other 2 are overpowered.
  14. AirSuicide

    Honestly Weapon and vehicle wise, I have to say I prefer the Vonu over the NC or TR, The NC weapons are clunky I agree, but they hit like a truck. The TR crap is just sad.

    The NC default weapons on "some" of the classes are more powerful then the best TR weapon. Giving the NC an instant bonus on those classes.

    Vonu stuff is just streamlined, Accurate, hard hitting, and without the bullet drop. I used to run around with a pistol on my infi and kill people on my Vonu, try that as a Terran and all you'll get is dead since you need to empty 2 clips to kill someone. (unless its a head shot and then its still almost an entire clip.)

    The NC pistol will one shot people.
  15. Morfildur

    That poll only proves that NC have more problems that bring them to that part of the page or even just that NC players are more likely to vote in random polls. It doesn't even show exact numbers, it could have been 1 TR, 5 NC and 2 Vanu that voted (didn't check percentages but whatever).

    On most servers, NC are having trouble and get dominated by TR and VS, so your "NC OP" claim appears to be unfounded.
  16. AirSuicide

    Oh I did not mean to insinuate that the NC are Op they aren't, I meant to insinuate that the TR are "In the shallow end of the Dream pool" compared to the Vanu and NC.
  17. Morfildur

    I only played TR a little but from my experience, their weapons feel far superior on the average combat distance - i usually get about twice the K/D than as NC soldier. NC need to get very up close and personal to even hope on hitting anyone while i feel like with TR weapons you can hit enemies easier even using just hip fire compared to NC weapons with sights.

    However, that is my completely subjective experience and it is most likely wrong, as most subjective experiences tend to be.

    That is a ridiculous claim. Yes, NC kill in less hits because the weapons have a higher damage per bullet but considering the inaccuracy and the slower firing rate, you won't get as many hits in as a TR or VS soldier in the same amount of time, so it is supposed to even out. The higher the distance, the less effective the NC weapons are in a firefight.

    If the war was fought at point blank range and noone would move after getting into that range then, yes, NC would win easly. However, it's not. It's a lot more complex than "how much damage do the individual projectiles do".
  18. AirSuicide

    @ Morfildur I am aware of all of that. You missed the point of the example. Drop an NC guy and a Terran guy in an arena, same class, The NC guy will win more then the Terran guy. Higher health = Harder to kill, Higher Damage means its easier for you to kill.

    The Terran weapon damage blows, Not even remotely close to the NC damage or even the Vonu in game. In a straight up "close range" fight Even blasting full auto into the player I rarely ever kill an NC or Vanu unless I took them by surprise, simply because they 2 and 3 shot you easily while you have to 5-10 shot them.

    As an NC/Vanu I was rarely ever killed by a Terran in close range unless they took me by surprise, Boom boom boom = Dead Terran. When I was NC/Vanu I thought it was funny and that they simply sucked. Now playing Terran I realized it's not the player, its the faction itself is under powered and needs to be buffed.
  19. Morfildur

    Lets apply science:

    Every class has 500 health, 500 shields (except infiltrators who only have 400 shield).

    Using this datasheet as source:

    Calculating the DPS (damage per bullet * rounds per second):
    Default Light Assault carbine:
    NC: 1670
    TR: 1787.5
    VS: 1663.57

    Default Heavy Assault LMG:
    NC: 1666.67
    TR: 1787.5
    VS: 1787.5

    Default Pistol:
    NC: 1163.33
    TR: 1579.2
    VS: 1246.93

    Time to shoot enough bullets to kill:
    Default Light Assault carbine:
    NC: 0.6s (6 bullets)
    TR: 0.56s (7 bullets)
    VS: 0.6s (7 bullets)

    Default Heavy Assault LMG:
    NC: 0.6s (5 bullets)
    TR: 0.56s (7 bullets)
    VS: 0.56s (7 bullets)

    Default Pistol:
    NC: 0.86s (5 bullets)
    TR: 0.64s (9 bullets)
    VS: 0.8s (6 bullets)
    TR win every comparision so unless you are a bad shot, you should win every 1v1. Sure, the damage per bullet is lower but you can do more damage in the same time than NC or VS.

    Vehicles are a little different but since the MBTs serve different purposes and handle completely different, it's hard to compare them. In my opinion, Magriders beat Prowlers and Vanguards in most situations due to their mobility and between Prowlers and Vanguards the difference is only minor.
  20. AirSuicide

    Meh I looked at some dev stuff they said the guns are situational it's possible I just need to keep trying weapons on each class to I find the right one, pain in the *** and expensive though.