More non combat activities pls.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Alchimes, Dec 5, 2012.

  1. Alchimes

    I wish there would be more non combat activities like Mining with some kind of land vehicle, transporting resources with air or ground to the main base.
    Also there could be flying Vehicle Transportation Unit in which you could load few vehicles like 2-3 tanks or 2-3 buggies.
    Then combat would move also to those places to defend the miners and transports with resources. In every Hex there could be one mining place or more.
    This is just suggestion to make this game more interesting.
  2. DeathFaith

    That is planned make zone become like a live star craft that each person plays a unit , just give it 5 years.
    • Up x 1
  3. Intruder313

    Hmmm I have a mate who got one kill in his entire time playing PS1: he basically only ever drove the Ants/AMS vehicles around and refused to take part in combat. Great big pacifist wuss.

    I remember the day though "Today I actually shot someone with my Assault Rifle"...
  4. CheeseN!P

    Yeah, your wish we eventually be realized, to some extent. But the hexs are going to be able to be "resourced" via a vehicle of some kind, and people will most likely try to go behind lines and destroy them in order to cripple the enemy.

    also it will make being cut of from supply lines a bigger deal.
  5. Jourmand1r

    Smedley wrote that blog in August. The stupid crap he said in it isnt going to happen, minus weather and player built bases.
  6. CheeseN!P

    What makes you say it wont happen?
  7. Nihil

    Not sure i want to play EVE. But i like the idea of logistics and interdiction, esp. if it is possible to steal resources, or destroy/disrupt resource collection via something other than capping the zone. It would add some strategy to a game that is tactics heavy and strategy lite.
  8. Trof

    There are a lot of non-combat things you can do now.

    1. Cert a Sundy for AMS and repair/ammo. Follow the zerg and setup shop.

    2. Play as an engi besides keeping your Sundy up, repair the other vehicles. One place that is good for this is at ammo towers, sit by one and heal vehicles when they come to resupply. Resupply infantry with ammo before they ask for it.

    3. Play taxi with your sundy or gal. Take all those aimless noobs to the front line.

    4. After the cap, stay and repair the bases assets.

    5. Play as a medic heal up the zerg in their endless push. Do me a favor though, don’t revive me while I am still under fire and for the $%%^& heal me after you do revive.
  9. Kia936

  10. PapaMojo

    When you have a tech plant, play mechanic and hang out on the landing pad repairing air. (Best if the tech plant happens to be on the front line at the time. Did this for an hour for s&g while we were pushing out)
  11. D0n

    ANT, they know this is needed.
  12. Gavyne

    He has no idea what he's talking about.
  13. CheeseN!P

    ^ I know I am just trying to prove that to him.