More HP

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by TheAttackMaster, Nov 22, 2012.

  1. TheAttackMaster

    Just wondering how some people can have sh*tloads of HP while fighting with them? Not talking about the MAX, but normal people with some kind of special armor on? Whats that called?

    Help a newbie out! :)
  2. Tooks

    I know people can spend Cert points to increase their health (I believe by upto 25%) but sometimes it feels like I die in 2 bullets and everyone else can survive full clips haha
  3. Uben Qui

    Nano weave armor is what you are looking for. Fully certed is a 25% increase in HP.
  4. D0n

    Buy armors.
  5. Vastly

    Unless it's changed, nanoweave allows you to take about 1 round extra, which is not how I would define "sh*tloads" of HP. It's barely noticeable. I think the OP is refering to something different.
  6. Uben Qui

    25% is about the same as the stock shield everyone gets. In my experience it is more than 1 round extra.. unless you are talking about a sniper round. ;)