[Suggestion] More exotic utility weapons?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by DailyFrankPeter, Dec 22, 2012.

  1. DailyFrankPeter

    There will come a time when we will need more variety in this game.

    So how about, say, an EMP launcher which slows down vehicles/air, instead of another launcher which sort of locks on. Or a mine planter lib? Snare fields? Deployable umbrella shields? Creative stuff like that...

    These could be squad leader only weapons (sort of like WH40K) or on a first equip, first served basis (i.e. designated squad Heavy role).
  2. Yetii

    I'd like to see some different kinds of weaponry other than guns. I'd be sweet to have like a futuristic compound bow or a small under slung flamethrower. An EMP launcher to slow vehicles would be an awesome tool.
  3. VKhaun

    I like the idea of squad leader weapons.

    The game needs more incentive to start and run squads, because those guys who can get a platoon going are what breaks up zergs and starts good battles.

    Just stick equipment in the squad leader section, and require X max squads to equip and use it. Tier one would be cheap, like a fancy underbarrel item with one burst of flame thrower, or even just cosmetic stuff, and require only one squad half full. Tier two will be better stuff and require more players for slightly better stuff like powered up pistols... and so on and so on. A full platoon would give access to crazy extra armor, primary weapon slot melee weapons that one shot players who don't have high nano or put up a HA shield, and other epic stuff.

    Having nice items would not be game breaking at all if it required say, two FULL squads in platoon to equip the good stuff because then by default only one guy out of two squads would actually have it. At any given time you could probably count the number of top tier items in play on one hand. It would add far more novelty to gameplay than it would take away from balance.

    You'd have to work it out so people couldn't pass leadership to get the equipment out on lots of people, but if they could do that I think it would be a great way to improve the game.