Moaarrrr harasser races!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by TheFullCologne, Jun 3, 2013.

  1. TheFullCologne

    Probably the biggest harasser race i was involved in on Briggs, twas a lot of fun! (skip to 3 minutes for the chaos..)

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  2. LahLahSr

    Heh looked like you had some fun! Very Death Race of you.

    Vanu had a Harasser race on Briggs too. The second we started I blew up so I followed in a scythe, flying to a jump and hovering just above it to see how many people would risk it. No video sadly.

    Edit: We raced to the TR warp-gate.
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  4. ItsJustDash

    That... was... AWESOME.

    Would love to see more fun times like that.
  5. KlyptoK

    This needs to be an official special event.

    I mean seriously, what other game do you know of where 2000 people can race crazy-style and blow each other up in it in a 16 square Kilometers?
  6. TheFullCologne

    i'd love for a different map ala VR training room, where u race with other factions and include other events. maybe keep it separate from the continents (like the VR room)

    Don't worry, ill make a Mario Kart MMO! Giant Rainbow Road for everyone!
  8. TheFullCologne

    cant wait
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  9. theholeyone

    We've been organising events like that on briggs for a while at for vids go to
    It's been difficult to get decent numbers of outfits participating though, not sure why as they are massive fun.
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  10. ACE McFACE

    Coming July 2033