Missing From the Road Map - Lattice System

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by MasterChiefette, Jan 25, 2013.

  1. Hosp

    Big problem currently being...it's still whack a mole. Smaller outfits are look for those niche fights they like, and when they get steamrolled by a zerg that has no resistance, they ghost with their own zerg or leave.

    A system needs to exist to focus the zerg against each other a heck of alot more than it currently is, while still allowing openness for the Special Operations and ancillary fighting.
  2. Hosp

    This is assuming optimizations are working. Don't let current technical aspects get in the way of future massive battles.
  3. PharmD

    Let's just wait until tomorrow to see if they mention anything about re-designing hex or implementing lattice at the community design meeting. The developers have stated many times they didn't want to go lattice direction with ps2 because it limited freedom. I completely disagree with this notion but I still think we can come to a compromise. A perfect middle ground in my opinion would be the "neutral territory idea" outlined by Azure Twilight in their community design meeting.

    Read my sig if you want to know why the hex is inherently bad because it offers too much freedom.

    Freedom is good but you can't have it when there there are so many bases like we see in the hex system. It just creates BF sized skirmishes spread out across the entire continent without giving a sense of real flow and direction. Guild Wars 2 wvw has a really good system where you have tons of freedom without lattice links but the compromise is that there are a very small amount of bases.

    There needs to be compromises. I think we can all agree that the current hex system is just not working.
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  4. EvilKoala

    Yes, because assuming these technical limitations will be all magically be resolved in the future is a good enough reason to make game design changes now...
  5. Hosp

    Translation: "My glass is half-empty"
  6. Degenatron

    Missing From the Road Map - Lattice System

    "I wouldn't say I've been missing it, Bob."

    You know what the LAST thing this game needs? More zerg-funneling.

    The devs need to be looking at ways to spread the fighting out wider, not channeling it narrower.
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  7. Iksniljiksul

    What flow of combat?

    There should be zero rewards for attacking an undefended area, and almost no rewards for attacking a lightly defended area. Armies should not be avoiding each other, and that is exactly what the "zergs" are doing in this game. I have never once seen a zerg fighting another zerg, that's why they are called zergs. Currently they just run around killing four people and gaining xp for ghost capturing bases.

    What ever it takes, people need to be forced to face each other in combat every single time they log on.

    Btw, outfits are the worst at this corruption of game play. They are responsible for massing people, and they keep going where there are no enemy. Outifts in this game are lead by cowards who only want to milk the xp system.
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  8. Cl1mh4224rd

    Actually, it's a very practical outlook. Don't implement a change now that would exacerbate a technical issue that you may not fix until much later.

    The render distance issue has been described by a number of people as their biggest issue with the game. It makes no sense to implement a change that would trigger that problem more frequently.
  9. PharmD

    Well Higby confirmed today on stream that one of the reasons they didn't go lattice direction was because some computers just wouldn't be able to handle it.
  10. Phyr

    We don't need a lattice that forces people to certain places. We need a system that encourages people and rewards for taking/defending certain places because you want too, not because you have too. They also pointed out in a live stream that they don't want to force everyone to the same place because not everyone wants those big battles or can handle them.
  11. Joe Daggett

    what they need to do is add more continents then turn down the pop cap on the continents i don't care if they make it 300 people per Continent that will fix the render problem then bring back the lattice system this will never happen us veterans have been asking for the lattice system back since early beta and these clowns refuse to bring back a great game mechanic that was fun an allowed for great meta game and stradegy.