Misinformation regarding the striker

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Sobieski14, Mar 11, 2013.

  1. Ketadine

    If my assumptions are correct:
    - requires constant visual lock
    - the TR lock on can be broken pretty easily by any vehicle
    - the TR rocket launcher cannot dumb fire
    - given the current in game lock on trajectory, if you fire at some vehicle up the hill of at a base turret, chances are your rocket will not hit it
    - the TR rockets will do the lowest damage compared with any other rocket in game

    - the NC rocket launcher can be fired from a safe position and you can get "sniped" by a non rendered rocket, similar to the new engi rocket turret

    - the VS launcher can safely precharge the rocket launcher so that you could snipe vehicles and people
    - the VS launcher has increased splash radius and damage the longer it has been charged
    - the VS launcher has increased projectile speed the longer it has been charged

    If the above are true, then it seems the TR are again, the only faction with a disadvantage for their faction specific weapon.
  2. Spartan 117

    Hard to say at this point but to say the Jackhammer is better than the mini-gun is pushing it. Jackhammer is flat out inferior to almost all stock shotguns in the game. Pump shotguns blow it out of the water. I bought the Jackhammer, used it for a week. Will never use it again unless its damage is increased by like 50%.
  3. Sifer2

    All I want to know is whether this thing is a true lock on rocket or not. As in will vehicles by able to completely counter it by just using Flares/IR smoke? Is it going to give a lock on warning? If either of these things are true then I think it's massively unfair to TR to be the only one's left with an Annihilator 2.0 instead of a real guided rocket option. Honestly the thing should work exactly like the AV turret in my opinion.
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  4. MiZrY

    OK.... but Higby specifically posted in that thread that you linked:

    "We wanted to give you guys a preview of some things you can look forward to in GU04, which is ----> tentatively <---- scheduled for release next week, pending any issues discovered in testing of course"

    There is one word in there that all of you are failing to read or understand..... it's pretty simple really. I've already stated the meaning of this and anyone who knows English "should" understand this statement.

    So you can't blame them for saying the update may not happen on time, because they blatantly said almost 2 weeks ago that it might not happen on time.
  5. Xericor

    Honestly people.... what is wrong with y'all?
    This was a teaser trailer, not an indepth look at the weapon. Just the same as a trailer at the cinema isn't 100% accurate of the film. Stop reading so much into things and stop trying to be picky and clever, relax and think before you post.
  6. allattar

    Ketadine your prevarication is certainly full of whine already.

    Look at it this way.

    Nc phoenix makes the user a sniper target. It was in ps1 it will be here.
    Striker would chase off everything. Its going to hurt air lots.

    Now dont forget the rumble seat flash. This will negate the downside of the phoenix. Highly mobile Camera Guided rocket users. Oh god it will be known messy.
    It's also going to mean the striker user on a flash will be just as awesome. Chasing down everything.

    But the lancer. Well they won't be able to hit **** on the rumble seat.
    Id also bet the lancer will be slow shot. Meaning ineffective vs air. Whilst strikers will be great v air and phoenix will only be good v air in the right hands.
  7. hawken is better

    That's exactly what I was thinking. If it ends up being the only launcher that can be countered by flares, then it's going to be a total piece of junk. The lock-on time in the video was near instant, but it won't mean jack since everyone and their mother now has flares/smoke.

    Now, I'd personally like to see it implemented in such a way that once the target flares/pops smoke, and the missiles lose their lock, they would then switch over to fly-by-wire controls (pretty much just a copy and paste of the AV MANA turret control system) and allow the user to manually guide them. That way, they can still be outmaneuvered (for comparison, hitting a maneuvering ESF with the AV MANA turret is not an easy thing to do) without making them completely useless, since a skilled/lucky Striker wielder still has a chance of putting some, if not all, of those missiles on target.
  8. Alien51

    Just please let me dumbfire it. I wouldn't even mind the Flares.
  9. Astealoth

    who cares about another lame smurf toy?

    i'm quite excited for my camera guided rockets heheh
  10. allattar

    That is the smurf toy. Your getting more lock ons.

    And whinging about it too.

    What the lancer is only Dumfire... sky is falling sky is falling.

    Seriuosly stop the buff requests already.
  11. Vanuub

    Video does as intended, you just have to know the intention.

    1. shut up the TR crying that theirs will be worst: showcase theirs taking out a vanguard. Solo. In one volley.
    2. stop the cries about OP lancer: showcase it being slow and painfully visible, even at daytime. (fear was potent instahit with poor visibility).
    3. calm welldeserved fears that Phoenix is inherently OP due to being cameraguided: showcased it being used in the worst possible ways: without cover and with a incompetent operator missing the target, also taking care to not show how far it can go (or limits to flighttime).

    Both lancer and phoenix showcased without revealing how big a dent they inflicted, to not fuel any fear that they are going to hit harder than decimators or engie AV-turret.
  12. Tilen

    You should've seen Diablo 3's community.
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  13. Pikachu

    Who the fruck assumes the numbers on the trailer would be the end result? It's most likely tweaked for testing.
  14. Takoita

    Techically, you are right. But pulling such technicalities regularly is gonna cost one consumer trust in the long run.

    Also, what's stopping them on posting a video along the lines of "these weapons are still a work in progress; we are playing around with fire modes and various values right now [showcasing several variants in practice in an unambiguous manner]" and place it on the roadmap to gauge players' reactions and most frequently asked questions? Since we are all about "progressive approach to development process" and "unprecedented interaction with our playerbase".
  15. Sharpe

    Biased? How is it their fault that people are stupid?
    It's because of those folks that we see "May contain nuts" on packages.
  16. Ketadine

    The Jackhammer and Minigun are useless except CQB (you even need to burst fire the Minigun so you don't lose accuracy), Lasher might be a bit better, but the slow RoF is bad, for me at least. In my opinion, they're all bad. But in this case I was talking about the Prowler, which is the only MBT with a special feature that has a downside.

    If you read the post more clearly you might have found that I was only making assumptions. I am only expressing concerns about my faction specific weapon. It's only lock on nature makes it very situational. The NC Phoenix can be fired from behind full cover, from a tower or from inside a 2 story building for example. That makes it the ideal sniping rocket. As for the VS Lancer, seriously, do you expect to fire it from the Rumble Seat of the Flash with accuracy ? Or any other launcher for that matter ? It might be OK if you want to fool around, but you won't do that on a regular basis. And given the overcharge nature of that weapon, it might have a wider and more damaging splash damage.
  17. allattar

    Point missed. ..

    Seems like you on the forums fighting a battle for powering up your weapons. Just sit back wait and see. No need to fight the forum East for op weapons quite yet.

    Geez not even out and the tr are already trying to nerf the competition.
  18. Ekdal

    If you watch the tanks health bar in the video you can see the how much damage each TR rocket does. Looks like a 6 to 8 rocket kill.

    How did so many people miss that? Are the ADHD kids these days just that unobservant?
  19. PS2Freak

    Tr missile is overpowered. next annihilator if you ask me.... discuss ;)
  20. DankFist


    Although it wasn't set in stone, he did say it was slated for the following week and the rocket launchers a week after.