[Suggestion] Misc Vehicle Items x2

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by TheRunDown, Dec 24, 2012.

  1. TheRunDown

    I noticed today after buying the Havoc shield and some Wheels that you cannot equip both at the same time, though I shouldn't see why not. Misc items includes too many cosmetic appeal items that don't overlap, realistically I would like to equip my Neons, Havoc Shield and wheels. Currently that is not possible witch is a shame, one would of thought it would.

    If there is no plans to ever let this happen I would of never brought anything other than the havoc shield, and since there is no warnings nor details in the game about what catagory the items are, I will have to try for a refund on 90% of my Sunderer's cosmetic items.

    Surly other must feel this way too? :S
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  2. TheRunDown

    Yes Please! ;)
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  3. Shahz

    i see the image but how is this possible? im interested in buying the havoc shield but not sure how i would equip both if they are both misc?
  4. TheRunDown

    You can't equip Wheels and Havoc shield, its one or the other, witch is lame..
    That image is 2 spliced together, cut down the middle and joined. It was to show what could of been..
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