Minor Cloak Implant feels or is bugged

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by Grimm2021, Nov 18, 2021.

  1. Grimm2021

    Hey, I just bought the anniversary pack with the minor cloak implant. However, playing with it feels like a handicap more than anything else. The reason: Uncloaking is unreasonably hard and thus slow because the cloak does not react to me shooting and even if I move slighty to disable to cloak, I get insta cloaked again. (especially as sniper when aiming down sites). This results in me flickering like a autistic ghost and not getting of shots because its very clunkily design as of right now.

    I know that this is an extreme niche issue but I really hope that it gets some attention/ slight functional adjustment so players can actually use this top tier implant instead of feeling frustrated.

    Thank you!