Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Kameho, Dec 17, 2012.

  1. Kameho

    As title pretty much explains it.
    The current minimap, despite beeing alittle shabby is very bad when it comes to vehicle play in organized squads / platoons.

    And the reason is very simple: Youre squad number disappears if you enter a vehicle.

    My simple suggestion is to do it the easy way, Do not display squad members in Vehicle-icon.
    Keep them as the Circle with Number in it, as they are when walking on foot.

    Because, especially when running as Air-Squad it is very hard to orientate who needs what needs where.

    Example how the current minimap forces you to ask for help:
    "I'm beeing tailed! Someone get him off me please!"
    "Who's beeing tailed!?"
    "ME <insert player name> NUMBER <insert squad number> IN BRAVO SQUAD"
    *Other guy looks at minimap, only sees a bunch of green vehicles on his screen*
    "You need to explain where you are please!"
    "I'm beeing tailed at Northwest Direction from Rust Mesa at 700 altitude, dropping fast, someone get him off me!!!11oneone WHARGBARLEGARBLE" *dead*

    How it could be if numbers were just kept:
    "I'm beeing tailed! Someone get him off me please!"
    "Who beeing tailed!?"
    "ME <insert player name> NUMBER <insert squad number> IN BRAVO SQUAD!"
    *Other guys looks at minimap, sees <player name> number <insert squad number> in bravo squad, northwest of Rust mesa, and flies towards that direction, sees the teammate in distress and saves the day. Recieves +1 internett friendship*

    This would be the easy way, by just keeping the player-squadnumber-color as it currently is when playing infantry, when you are in vehicles aswell for fellow squad/platoon mates.

    Once enough time is given, they can then release more advanced vehicle icons, displaying colours WITH numbers on the vehicles aswell.
    So people can see who is who on the minimap and respond abit faster.

    The end.
    • Up x 1
  2. Duskfang

    I agree with you that vehicle only icons are bad, but I do like the icons detailing what kind of vehicle is being piloted. I'd much rather prefer the vehicle icons remain, but colored to your squad (like purple for delta squad in a platoon), and have the corresponding number in a bracket next to it. So on the minimap it'd be like (green galaxy) [1].

    While I'm on the subject of vehicle icons, they're generally pretty distinguishable from each other, but I'd like a better marked visual difference on the minimap between liberators and galaxies. Those can be a bit hard to differentiate between at times.
  3. Kameho

    Yes i did mention that. But as a temporarly quickfix they can just use the current one for inf
  4. Acceleratio

    totaly agree. Its also annoing when i am in a platoon and try to restock my buddies with the ammosundy i never know wich colour is the right one since i only get points for sqaudressupplies. Of course i also ressuply randoms but hey nothing aggainst some points and so
  5. Kameho

    Not to mention the overall glitchyness of the minimap. With random teleport and ghost vehicle icons
  6. Duskfang

    Ah, apologies. Somehow missed the last bit you put at the end. I blame it being 2am for me and just getting off work.
  7. Uben Qui

    We could really use this. Personally I do not need an icon for the squad mate. I just need to know at a glance where he is in relation to me or the landscape without having to tediously decipher it, and then call it out to others. The icons get lost to0 easy with the back ground colors and does not let one see who is in the vehicle when they finally find it.
  8. ItchySox

    One could add more optional levels of detail with zoom. A physical/contour map option would also be nice.
  9. Kameho

    contour of the map would be very nice indeed.
  10. Kethryl

    While it's still handy to know who is in vehicles and who isn't, I'd hate to see them go away completely. I'd propose circled-in-numbers for those on foot (like we have today), squared-in-numbers for those in a ground vehicle, and triangled-in-numbers for those in aircraft. That should make it much easier to find individual squad members.

    Also, the ability to quickly find a deployed sunderer on the mini-map would be nice. If they could stand out a bit more, that would make running to one to switch loadouts or resupply much easier. Having to run all over a tech plant from sundy icon to sundy icon in the middle of a battle just because you ran out of grenades or claymores or something isn't really something that benefits you or your team.