Miller: spawning in Enemy VR Area

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by senondo, Mar 13, 2013.

  1. PushiPishu

    Still not fixed ? Wow its been hours and my main still spawns in middle of vanu training room, can we at least get any information what so ever about this ?

    Edit: there is actually a way to get out. Join a random squad asap, open the map, and deploy on squad leader, if you're lucky and survive long enough, you'll redeploy on squad leader and then you should be able to play normally again
  2. AmitPwnz

    I'm on Cobalt and it never happened to me... Weird :O
    Funny though :p
  3. Gimpy Prime

    This is hilarious... People were having this happen to them on Mattherson VS, and SOE kept spamming "Try out the VR Training area". Of course only making the problem more widespread. I wonder if my outfit leader ever escaped.

    So glad that I decided not to check out the VR Training area.