Miller NC overpop since new year.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Strikejk, Jan 15, 2014.

  1. Patrician

    Didn't see you complaining last year when TR had population advantage most of the time..
    • Up x 1
  2. Bibibla

    A mechanism has to perform well even under extreme condition. Say, the VS get kick out of Indar and Esamir. They are Warpgated. They want to go to amerish in order to resplenish their resources, which takes roughly 20 minutes. During that time, the TR/NC get bored of camping the WG and go fight each other.
    Now with a population cap : Unfortunately, Amerish is almost empty, (as usual). So VS are now stuck as infantry inside their warpgate (and the 2 or 3 base around.) Hence, TR and NC can enjoy an assymetric farm fest : they have vehicles, VS have only infantry. Why would they redeploy on amerish ?

    Right now, if a faction dominate a continent with over population, the alert system may kicks in and redistribute the card. It's better to design incentive than to add harsh restriction that may backfire severely.

    Anyway, SOE is planning continental lattice : wait and see.
  3. Mastachief

    Nerf the VS overpop since tonight NERF IT!!!!!