Miller - Indar cont lock

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Arquin, Feb 21, 2013.

  1. Rodinvac

    Ah, no, that was the continent population at the time: we did have between 25% and 28% continent population, and both sides were mostly focusing on us to break the continent lock, but on the other continents things were different, with a few VS capping Amerish (that had been completely abandoned by everyone) and NC capped Esamir, which was a bit more active.
    So world population would have been less and definitely not entirely focused on VS alone by any mean.
  2. Justicia

    And now we just ghostcapped Esamir as well, boring.
  3. Tigga

    That's because it's 4:40am in most of Europe... on a week night.

    After 1am GMT it's pretty rare to find any of the three factions on Esamir or Amerish in any force. Amerish usually gets quieter a bit earlier, say midnight GMT.
  4. Kapernum

    People seem to forget that the only reason anyone could take Indar pre-rotation was that NC had abandoned it. That's not the case now and unless VS abandons Indar we will never see someone with a 60% pop advantage again, like we did before.
  5. Xasapis

    GU2: 02.02.2013
    GU3: 22.02.2013

    We've held Indar from the "hard" warpgate position for 20 days straight (we've held it for more, but not from this warpgate). As I said in another thread, that's a feat without precedence. The continent is not even capped, just neutral at the moment. As part of our VS troops, I feel pride for our accomplishment, when everyone else was saying that "it can not be done" and "feel the pain of the SW corner". Well, we have proven plenty that it can be done and we challenge the other factions to come close to this. The VS, despite the difficulties rose to the challenge and held their ground.

    Operation "Retaking of Indar" can also finally commence. Well, hopefully after a short break, I want to see how Esamir and Amerish look like, it's been more than a month ...

    (Btw, I consider faction cooperation and ghost capping as valid strategies. Valid because you can be both on the delivering and receiving end. So, please fellow Vanu, no more comments about faction cooperation, they did what they could to dislodge us. Also, kudos to our people that managed to guard the continent 24/7 for so long.)
  6. Kapernum

    Not to be pestimistic and take anything away from you but my above post holds more truth.

    It'll be interesting to see if you can take it again now that NC is a major factor.
  7. Sharpe

    Unbelievable isn't it? I went off to play Kerbal Space Program at 10. :(
  8. Haba

    Ah... Finally.

    It is a relief really, now I can finally stop playing. 20% EXP bonus on prime time is fun and all, but two weeks of that is enough.
  9. Compact

    It was a fun night. I started my session in Esamir while the Indar push was already on-going and there were some great threeways in Snowside. Don't know about Amerish's population during all this, but if even two continents see this kind of action simultaneously, I'd say Miller has a pretty healthy population. Not that that was ever in question.

    Indar was a blast too. Big fights, small fights, all over the place. Lag wasn't too bad either, not even in the zergiest hexes. I'm a ****** ESF pilot but for once had a good time flying too, mostly because there was air action pretty much everywhere. Didn't need to spend time finding targets in the skies and thus didn' t "need" to do any A2G.

    There was a moment in the Stronghold when the whole affair could've gone from fun to hilarious - VS held it, TR were hitting it from the west, NC from the east. VS still held some other ground too, but it would've been hilarious if that had been the last VS hex and the neutralization would've failed because the threeway at Stronghold would've turned out a stalemate. Didn't turn out that way though.

    Fun fact: at sometime around midnight GMT+2, according to the map screen, TR had the most population in all three continents. Only ever so slightly in Esamir, but anyhoo. Stop the breeding machine, fascists.
  10. Xasapis

    There is a very specific reason NC abandoned Indar, they thought it was impossible to have any kind of impact there due to the SE warpgate. Guess what, VS showed plenty that while the warpgate has its issues, not abandoning the continent plays a bigger role. I expect the next time NC returns to the SE, to put a tiny bit more effort than before. We'll see how much of a spine TR will present in that corner as well soon enough.

    I'll be really interested to see how TR will perform in the SE corner. Since TR lost the N warpgate and despite their numerical superiority (which should have translated in more numbers in off pick hours), they've been consistently underperforming. Or to be more precise, doing much much worse than VS did on that corner. NC on the other hand are doing a much better job in the N corner. If TR keep up like this, I very much doubt they'll keep Indar for a day when they eventually find themselves in the SE, assuming they manage at some point to cap it. Our own people have been for the most part consistently avoiding the crown, which played a very big factor in keeping Indar for so long.

    Strategically speaking, holding today TR for at least three hours warpgated cost them the crown. Once the crown was lost, their brain dead for the most part zerg finally moved towards the real objective, our warpgate. Had we not moved so aggressively (no real stategic point in that beyond fun and showing again that it can be done) towards draining TR from resources, they would still be fighting pointlessly in that black hole in the middle of the map. As for the fellow who challenged us to take the crown, it's really not that hard. TR and NC have been just doing it wrong. You don't attack the crown to take the crown. You take everything else, and when the crown owners are resource starved, they either have to pull away and reclaim their lost lands or you pound them with your practically infinite amount of resources.

    (btw Kapernum you're TR, why the magrider icon?)
  11. Bloodmyth

    Hi off topic but wanted to say its good to see SD around still, I believe you guys were in Darkfall online, I recognise the sigs ;) I was with The old timers guild, fun days.
  12. VSMars

    To be precise: We last captured it on 27 January (Sunday) at 0230 Zulu - after an operation which took something like six hours. And even at the end, when the enemies all but gave up, we still had not even two-thirds of the population.


    And really, is it our fault our enemies give up so easily?

    We held it for more than 26 days straight, most of them out of the south-eastern warpgate.

    On topic:

    Congratulations to the TR and NC! Well done, but don't for a moment believe we'll make your lives any easier in the future. ;)
  13. -Zlodey-

    Finally, someone decided to stop farming at Crown and actually tried to lock continent.

    BTW, my outfit not played seriously on Indar for few weeks - just because most part of TR faction sit on Crown or Ti Alloys for weeks. Damn farm noobs, they come here right after they just end their 24 hour session on Metro in BF3.
  14. redpoint

    Mainly VS are doing a bit better then NC in the SE corner because the TR haven't figured out yet how to take Tawrich efficiently.
    VS pretty much farmed NC in Tawrich since the release of the game. If you look at the Killstats of some of the "top" VS players you might notice up to 70% of their 30k kills are NC.

    @ TR: Protip - Take Scarred Mesa, Red Ridge Comms and Spec Ops first. Then let the farming commence :D
  15. Lakora

    I guess VS had the crown than since who ever owns the crown shall lose all else! How its been written so shall it be.
  16. Ssential

    TR and NC sitting in the tree
    First comes love.
    Then comes marriage.
    Then comes baby in the baby carriage,
    Sucking his thumb,
    Wetting his pants,
    Doing the hula, hula dance!
  17. Xasapis

    Actually TR had the crown until we warpgated them, NC took it and then they both proceed to gate us.
  18. MrK

    Fun night indeed! NC may have taken the bets sooner if we hadn't bunched ALL our people in 1 giant zerg moving around VS warpgate again and again and again without ever defending the place we just took, leaving the VS blob backcap it nearly uncontested. A non-win tactic, until TR showed up and made the job better than we did.

    Insane air action, though, I kept my reaver up for 1+ hour, tons of aircraft around and big dogfights. Definitely one of the best air night I've had since I commited to ESF piloting.
  19. AquaKiller


    Oh Irony! You (VS) didnt prove that SE waprgate is not bad as all your task was to DEFEND (and we all know how "defence" looks in PS2 = entire population on one hex). Defend the continent you capped while having SW warpgate. You have to agree that with warpgate rotation there SHOULD be a cont-lock reset. Sadly, there wasnt, so only reason you held Indar for that long is that you managed to cap it BEFORE GU2.

    So considering you had that warpgate location for three weeks I would say you did exactly like NC did - being locked to your corner, OCCASIONALLY pushing either towards to Mao Tech Plant or Peris/Allatum. That's all.

    GJ to all involved yesterday, finally the fight on Indar is 'fair'.
    • Up x 1
  20. Kaon1311

    They must of capped that at like 3 or 4 in the morning? should be some good fun/ fights tonight then :D (enjoy amerish)