Miller: Continent Crashes Continues

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by iPlague, Apr 1, 2014.

  1. iPlague

    Yep, Miller is having a jolly good time of server disconnects and continent crashing, mainly Indar.


    As you can see the points of impact. We're talking 3 crashes already from when the servers got back up from Miller's POV.

    Can't wait for Tuesday's Patch now.
    • Up x 1
  2. Wecomeinpeace

    Yeah it's horrible today, they really need to UPGRADE their servers NOW!

    Nothing can beat the ongoing 45000 ping we had yesterday for a good ten minutes or so without the server / instance actually crashing. It was quite hilarious.
  3. Being@RT

    Besides the crashes, there's terrible hit detection and sometimes lag before the hit is "awarded". For example, I was rocketing a sundy from 50-60m away, got halfway through the reload before I got the hit marker.

    My average latency seems to hover around 150ms, when it should be 60ms. It's like I'm playing on a US server, except I'm not. Then there's the lag spikes on top of that of course.

    ...and the server doesn't even have as many people it has had before. These fights we're in don't have 10m render range or anything of the like.

    The last week shows lots more sudden continent crashes