Meta Game, are you feeling it?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Sapare, Feb 17, 2013.

  1. Sapare

    I can not speak for anyone ells but I have grown more and more invested in my side's sucesses and failures. Most of all on Amerish.

    I know this is not the magical meta game we have all been looking for, as there is no "logical" point to it. But I feel invested in things beside cert gain, I want to keep Amerish red and I constantly try to talk TR leadership in getting some structure and plans.(I am not really a large outfit leader, but some of our large outfits seem utterly incompetent.)
    This is a Jeager player speaking. Anyone ells in this game starting to feel a sport like metagame besides who can get the most XP?

    P.S. sorry for the rather short post, kinda in middle of being shot down.
  2. Sifer2

    I don't feel invested in what happens on Esamir/Amerish on my server since those continents are regularly just zerged, and locked overnight by a random faction. But no one has locked Indar in a few weeks so it's pretty fun making sure they don't. Once we get real continent locks though that will be when the fun starts. Hoping for some epic final battles for control of the warpgates.
  3. insane2170

    Right now the problem with the meta game is that as admirable a quest it is to keep Amerish red, you will do so alone, in a wasteland of emptiness and cold...

    People who do not learn history, are bound to repeat it.

    The Johnson administration (giggity) declared that success rate in Vietnam was no longer to be measured in territorial gain, but in the amount of enemy soldiers killed vs. American losses. For the enemy did not follow a continuous front line, they were everywhere and nowhere at the same time. This was dubbed the body count strategy.

    For there are no enemies to be fought on Amerish...

    And so until gate locking happens in March, and even then I suspect this will only create random bands of nomadic platoons ghost capping in a hurry with the only goal to return to the motherland of Indar, You shall see nothing but a vast continuous wasteland of nothing...


    War never changes...
    • Up x 1
  4. Sapare

    As for those saying that no one ever shows up on Amerish. That is false. We had many large(for us) scale fights and a number of TR leaders have been calling for moving our motherland to Amerish, becaus we cant keep up with the NC.
  5. Sebastien

    On Connery, the Meta game is capturing Indar.
  6. ThundaHawkPS

  7. bodmans

    on mallory, me and some''friends''(more regulars) are always in some knd of squad/platoon which slap nc and tr when they want to gain territory on esamir. whenever we feel like it we almost completey conquer amerish and sometimes when those two are barren and purple we head to indar to try to fight our way up north. this is the metagame for me, having fun in a semi-organised platoon with people you reguarly play with. ofcourse XP and certs are nice for unlocks, but they arent my main drive to play this awesome game(with sometimes retarted dev decicions, no offense)

    also im planning to invest oney into this game, but dont know what weps to buy any help would be greatly appriciated here
  8. Doktor Fink

    I feel it. For a long while, rocket pods were the way to go. So we rolled heavy aa most times. Now we hardly see air. Now annihilators are popular, so we roll with lots of infantry.

  9. MasterCheef

    I wish we had more players like you. Players who can accept that capturing the continent IS the goal. Early on when i was playing with a platoon actively trying to turn a continent red, there was PLENTY of strategy. Decisions had to be made on where to attack next, what base to defend and when to pull armor.

    The current player base just wants to go pew-pew. They need their hands held on why they should capture an objective. They need 3000xp to motivate them. Thats whats killing the game. The devs built this game for players with the mindset that winning a map would be important to most people. They were mistaken and now we have all these whiners.

    the current metagame, at least on genudine but probably other servers too, is "see how long you can hold onto the indar bonus." it seems like once continent locking goes live, this isn't going to change because a few small platoons will lock esamir and amerish and force everyone back onto indar again.
  11. Garantine

    Love how all frustration is directed at your fellow gamer rather than any problems the game may have.

    What has changed the player base? These are the same people you were playing with when "strategy" was at such a premium. What has changed? Did the player base suddenly change their expectations? These are the same people you were playing with at release, just less of them.

    So. Your theory has plenty of blame directed at the players, but absolutely no reason for that blame other than "these players suddenly want something different from this game than I do". Is there any way you could explain the situation that caused these drastic changes in the player base?

    If the current player base just wanted to go "pew-pew" we wouldn't be asking for real goals and a meta game, we wouldn't be asking for complexity and depth, it really seems like you're the "pew-pew" kind that doesn't need anything more than a waypoint and a gun.