[Merging] [V404] The 404th wants you!

Discussion in 'Emerald (US East)' started by TheHalo1Pistol, Feb 23, 2013.

  1. TheHalo1Pistol

    The 404th is recruiting
    We have redone our ranks, tightened up our rules, used great tactics, and kicked ***! The 404th has reinvented itself and we invite you to join us! Our tag has recently changed from [PLOX] to [V404].

    About us:
    We currently have over 850 members and are one of the most kick-@$$ outfits on SolTech/Mattherson! We usually have about 3-5 squads on at a time (36-60 people). We balance fun and strategy to destroy everything that isn't wearing purple spandex. Our favorite past times include decimating air zergs with swarms of galaxies, driving sunderer convoys full of AA MAX's around to attract the attention of gullible aircraft, having beach parties, and blowing **** up.

    Code of conduct:
    -We ask that everyone join our platoon(s) and follow the waypoint.
    -Follow orders from the platoon and squad leaders.
    -Respect all Vanu players as much as you respect your outfit members.
    -If someone is 'trolling' you, do not get revenge and stoop to their level.
    -Stay off the crown unless explicitly told that we are capping it.
    -Please be as active as possible.
    -Do not brag about how good you are and then fail at everything.
    -Last but not least: Have fun, it's a game!

    Contact Us:
    We mainly use in-game chat, but we do have a ventrilo because of that glitch where some people can't talk in game. If you are interested in joining, just send an in-game friend request to TheHalo1Pistol, Centrifugal, EvilProdigy, or ManicMinion, then go to our website http://www.404-gaming.enjin.com and register there. We have a premium account so our website is actually useful. See you on the battlefield!
    • Up x 4
  2. TheHalo1Pistol

    did a purge of inactive members... Only 60 were kicked - just to give you a number of active players in our outfit.
  3. TheHalo1Pistol

    We throw some pretty kick-@$$ beach parties too.
  4. TheHalo1Pistol

  5. TheHalo1Pistol

    yet another bump
  6. SixReasons

  7. TheHalo1Pistol

  8. Fox Reinhold

    Shout out from your brothers in arms over at NNG. Been loving having V404 on the server, very happy we get to work with you guys!
  9. TheHalo1Pistol

    aww thanks :) We're glad to work with you!
  10. TheHalo1Pistol

    Still going strong after the merge:
    • Up x 1
  11. TheHalo1Pistol

    up to 650! when we merged we had 575. We are growing so faking fast.
  12. TheHalo1Pistol

  13. Jaxxx

    Fought alogside the 404h several times since the merger, I cant say enough about them, great bunch!!
  14. Forlorn Hope

    404 ran into you guys a bunch of time last night on Esamir. I had a great time as an NC trying to escape the warpgate. Super happy to be able to run into platoon vs platoon battles on other continents then Indar.
  15. TheHalo1Pistol

    Aww thanks :)
  16. TheHalo1Pistol

    We are happy to oblige!
  17. TheHalo1Pistol

  18. Jaamaw

  19. TheHalo1Pistol

    Not a single kill was made by me :( otherwise great videos!
  20. NeZeK

    planetside 2 is a great game
    but ppl miss a huge part of it by not joining a decent outfit

    the V404 is the best combination of fun and functionality

    and spandex