Merge Miller & Woodman

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by nella, May 24, 2013.

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  1. nella

    The only time we fill a continent on Miller is when there's an alert on Indar. Make it happen SOE.

    Server: Miller

    Logged in (7Days)


    32.3% NC 37.5% TR 30.2% VS

    Server: Woodman

    Logged in(7Days)


    36.1% NC 32% TR 31.9% VS

    It makes more sense than the Connery - Helios merge so what are you waiting for?
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  2. c4r151

    Which server gets to keep the name?
  3. nella

    Millerman? :eek:
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  4. bestan

    Werner, of course
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  5. IronWarrior

    No need, pop is fine.
  6. Simferion

    Woodman is fine as it is. Wait for the server transfer token and come here.;)
    Miller should stay on its own.

    Seriously, I'd like to play when connected , not waiting half a hour in the login screen.
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  7. Pikachu

    If they do that then we want cobalt+ceres. :D
  8. Zamos

    Miller needs a merge .. we can fill indar during alerts but esamir and amerish are empty
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  9. Souleater

    At this rate we will be down to one server per zone by Xmas. :( Although that is preferable to imbalanced populations.
  10. Simferion

    I don't understand. I play and find fights in all the 3 servers. What's the point of continuous merging?
    We also have the lattice system for concentrating the fights.

    Quick question: about the "logged in" data, if I login 3 times with the same character, does this add 3 to the counter or just 1 because it's one character?
  11. nella

    Sure, I can find unbalanced fights too, with 40% + VS on Indar, 40-50% TR on Amerish and Esamir, this is the problem. We no longer have full(33/33/33) continents anymore.
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  12. RazerKilll

    41% tr is fine? go away pls.
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  13. Simferion

    If we continue to merge servers we'll finish with 1 server for each zone. This will mean we will automatically belong to the 4th faction if we want to play characters from different factions, unless choosing high ping servers, of course.

    There should be a cooldown for switching factions. Moreover the factions should be balanced in the phase of characters' creation: you choose the faction then you receive the recommended server which you can play that faction in. I read this idea in the forum some days ago.
    People are usually lazy and unless they have a good reason to change server, they will choose the recommended ones.
  14. UberBonisseur

    On Miller, you have the Alert continent and two ghost towns.
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  15. Simferion

    The problem are the players then, not the population. In Woodman , Indar is always populated and the alert continent too. Even in the 3rd there are many fights.
    I don't play Ceres so much lately, but it should be the same.

    I've played only a few times on Miller, but I so dislike the playstyle I saw so far, I cannot decide if it's worthy to continue to play on that server and this is bad because I met some good people and I'm in a good outfit.
  16. Vashyo

    This indeed
  17. S1eB

    This is a good idea actually, the two biggest EU servers merged together would result in epicsauce.
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  18. Captain Kid

    We will be down to four servers in half a year. One east coast US, one west coast US and two European. (somehow the game is more popular over here)
    I like how SOE is not afraid to merge servers. Looks like they have learned at least something from the past. (not enough or we wouldn't have needed merges)
  19. Dotz0r

    the thing is, we have to think about the future - for all servers.

    Once these new conts arrive, it will require more players to fill it. If woodman/miller or w/e has one active cont and two dead-conts then adding another cont will just be another ghost town. Imagine a future where there is like 4-5 conts, with todays pops - its undoable - then realize by the time we have 4-5 conts - the pops will died off somewhat as it is.

    As of now there is 4 EU servers. Maybe not woodman/miller but top up W/M with Ceres/cobalt or w/e. Server merges WILL happen as the game grows and the population is consolidated to conform to the games need. If you think back to PS1 - think how many servers were merged over time + growth.
  20. IronWarrior

    A hour ago, NC had 61% Pop on Indar.

    Numbers change every hour, every day and every week. Stop QQ'ing.
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