[Suggestion] Merge Cobalt and Miller

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by BorgUK1of9, Dec 9, 2023.

  1. BorgUK1of9

    Its time in the games life to bring better pops, Saturday afternoon and its hard to get a decent squad or fight so I logged off Miller to check Cobalt, no different. However the combined pops of both would make it decent again.
  2. FLHuk

    I'd be with you here until I recently started tracking https://voidwell.com/ps2/worlds

    So right now it's 16:08 GMT
    • Cobalt 520
    • Miller 649
    While this may look good. We've had so long where the second open cont is just meh.... I fear this as a merge would do more harm than good.

    Zergfits don't seem to run two platoons on dbl xp weekends!

    I'd love to be wrong but just for one second....
    • What if the open second cont is Oshur?
  3. Yiffbot

    Everyone's always on about merging Cobalt and Miller, or merging Connery and Emerald. I think we need to be realistic, and merge servers that already have significant player crossover. Thus, the only realistic server merge option: Emerald and SolTech.
  4. BorgUK1of9

    One of the issues coming up now is what we saw when the populations declined on PS1, teaming, two empires actually ignoring each other to warp gate lock the 3rd. Not fun for the 3rd team, happens to all 3 at some point and players get fed up and quit. This is a fact, we have already seen this happen on the previous version of this game.

    So this is happening on Miller now more often.
    • Up x 1
  5. FLHuk

    Oh, new one to me. Not sure I see that other than NO ONE wanting to fight the VS.... I play all three on Cobalt.... Therefore VS win alerts with the lowest pop and practically gating the other two.

    Another one that's been quite popular recently. The https://voidwell.com/ps2/worlds seemingly shows people leaving factions to join the faction that looks like winning.... Overall server pop doesn't decline.

    Ok, so would these two server groups mix and change? Or mix and get worse?