Mercenary Idea

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Ravenclaw, Feb 19, 2013.

  1. Ravenclaw

    First of all I aware of potential exploitation, tho perhaps they some idea's out there that can overcome the issues of his idea, so feedback and idea's welcome.

    Mercenary is a way to counter population issue, as well as a new way to experience the game.

    IF you faction is the highest population currently, then you can activate mercenary mode.
    If its not the highest population then you can't activate it.


    In mercenary mode you will...

    1: Fight for the faction with the lowest population for a FIXED time period.
    2: You will have 'equivelant' weapon unlocks for that faction based on your own unlocks.
    3: You will be given special missions, compleating them awards Mercenary points.


    Mercenary points can be spent in a number of ways...

    1: Converted directly to certs.
    2: Buy special boosts.
    3: Unlock special mercenary only novelty items/camo's/decals etc
    4: Unlock special cool titles, perhaps even your own titles.
    5: Unlock special Common pool weapons.

    Idea is basically to help population balance issues, and rewarding people with something 'special' for choosing to not play with there usually friends
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  2. TheBloodEagle

  3. JudgeDeath

    No ty ... if you have a 4th faction like this that even gets special stuff ... why would anyone bother playing the old ones ?

    Not to mention the faction hopping is allready out of control with the gigantic failure of allowing characters on all sides on the same server. This would only make it even worse.
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  4. Spyder0527

    This is a stupid idea. If anyone expects a war to be equal at all times, then they live in a fantasy world. Quality players and tactics can defeat a bigger force.
  5. .Doominatree.

    Yeah, but it wouldn't be so bad if it was on a long cool down with a short time so you only could play a tiny bit of it every so often. Also you raise a good point, The Faction cool down from planetside 1 should come back.
  6. .Doominatree.

    The difference is that this is a GAME, we are here to make it fun, That includes at least a minor fairness involved. This is a way to get people who are out numbers 7:1 (yes that does happen a lot) a few extra squads to fight back.
  7. Pouk3D

    I like the idea of mercenaries siding the weakest against the strongest faction. It would be a nice ballance.

    But I absolutelly don't understand the notion of you turning against your own faction.

    If they would be an actual faction, that would make sense to me (although I can imagine a massive amount of people not liking it). A faction that would always fight on the side of underperforming underpopulated empire. Detaching from your own empire and start killing your own on the same server just doesn't make any sense though.
  8. Ravenclaw

    You say that, but think of how the real world works out, they always people who 'betray' theirr country for the sake of money, mercenary is just that in a way, a man goes rogue for the extra $$$ or in this case special merc point.

    As for reason why real people would do it... well sometime we just get bit bored of the same picture, and like to experience it from the other side, but that means re-rolling a alt... this system allows you to play something 'different' while still advancing your main character, no need to re-roll.

    Secondly, outfits could use mercenary system to training... few agents go merc, and few agents practice combat vs those mercs, then compare notes afterwards
  9. Zazwon

    My biggest concern here is that this idea opens up the possibility for over populated factions to get a bonus that lower pop factions would never get. Thus making another incentive to join high pop factions, compounding the problem. What seems like something that would help low pop factions would, in fact, be extremely detrimental in the long run.
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  10. Ravenclaw

    Its a fair a valid point I admit
  11. Hosp

    No. And I say no because this won't be implemented properly. Black Ops in PS1 was intended to be used in a way similar to this but really just ended up being a big farm fest.
  12. Cyridius

    No thank you, it's entirely unneeded.