Merc vs AC-X11

Discussion in 'Light Assault' started by Benton!, Dec 26, 2012.

  1. Benton!

    Hey guys,

    I was wondering what would be better for my playstyle? I am almost always on rooftops, not really in close combat situations, but not super far away either. I love flanking, getting behind, etc. What would be better? The Merc or the AC-X11. I have 100 certs and I was going to get the foregrip for my merc, but now I am wondering if I should save up for the AC now...

  2. Iridar51

    You should make that decision yourself, forum is not your magic 8-ball.
  3. CircuitBreaker

    I agree with Iridar, but let me word it a little differently. There are some people that love the AC-X11 and some people who just instantly hate it due to the 20 round clip size. Make sure you trial it first. My playstyle is similar to how you describe yours. The mercenary is a solid gun. Having said that, I have the GD-7F, the AC-X11, and the Merc... I'm still trying to figure out which I like the best.

    The merc already has a pretty even horizontal recoil. Will the foregrip help? I think it does, but I'm not sure if that is some kind of placebo effect or not. I do have to say the attachments that boosted my k/d up the most are the NV scope & the silencer.
  4. Strilac

    i prefer merc, i have AC-X11 and i dont use it at all, its good, kills fast, but lacks flexibility of a merc.

    Merc is a really good all around weapon, put a 1X red dot(or NV if you prefer it), silencer, and laser on it, and you are good to go.

    Forgrip is useless on merc, because it only comes to play at long ranges, and you should not engage at long ranges, on the other hand laser gives you tight hipfire cone, and actually visually helps with aim, and you'll wont to use hip in CQC
  5. Jive

    personally I prefer the AC-X11 but the 20 round clip does take some getting used to and isn't very forgiving to missing
  6. Benton!

    I normally roll with a merc and 3.4x scope. So I still have a chance at longer range, and it lets me be more accurate closer up. What about the Razor, anyone have some experience with that?
  7. Ghoest

    Is youre primary goal to single shot snipe at distances of 70-100+ meters with a carbine?

    Yes? Get the AC-X11 its perfect for this.

    No? - Dont get the AC-X11 its worse at everything else than every other carbine..
  8. 4set

    Isnt the AC-X11 Higbys prefered gun when playing Light Assault? Must be that extra stopping power, if you can aim properly.
  9. Gapetto

    I changed from the AC-X11 to the razor...I love it. Super controlled firing. It doesn't pack as much of a punch as the AC-X11 but it makes up for it in every other aspect.
  10. bigsam656

    The AC-X11 is basically a low recoil SAW with less ammo, I personally have been using it to great effect.
  11. Ghoest

    This is a good thing?
    LMGs are the worst weapons in the game except for their ammo capacity.