Menu to change squad color is inoperative

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by JibbaJabba, Feb 8, 2023.

  1. JibbaJabba

    The dropdown color menu above squads does not work. The dropdown arrow is now on the left. When clicked nothing happens but the arrow moves over to the right. It's a bit comical, please go look.

    In case it matters for the repro I tested 2560x1440 resolution, wide mode checked.
  2. JibbaJabba

    bonus: one of my squad colors matches enemy colors when I play on a different faction. And I'm stuck that way :(
  3. shoguncawwill

    the game is checking the new redical color system and defalting to it insted of having a Separation of concerns. this is why the squad color system drop down menu keeps swaping sides and unable to change quad colors.
  4. 23rd enigma

    Found a workaround
    Open Useroptions.ini and search for "PlatoonSquadColor0" lines. You can edit the values to a hexadecimal color to change the colors.
    Hopefully wrel hofixes this