
Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Damingo, Aug 31, 2013.

  1. Damingo

    I got rid of mine the other day. Im failing to see what real benefit I get from it for my 15 bucks. How do you guys feel about it in terms of getting your monies worth and if not what do you think we should be getting.
  2. HooWoo

    I don't care, my money I get from mowing other people's lawns I don't have anything else to spend my money on XD
  3. iRhuel

    The knowledge that I am supporting a game that I enjoy greatly. That's why it bothers me when people stop their subs because they think development is too slow. As if rescinding their support will somehow make the devs work faster.
    • Up x 3
  4. Jakey

  5. Excretus Maximus

    I think it's worth it just for the XP boost, but once I hit BR100 I'll never be a member again unless they greatly improve the benefits.
  6. RHINO_Mk.II

    I'm real glad I have priority for continent changes, now that no continent is ever full on my server. Ever. :rolleyes:
  7. TFeldt

    I made a thread that took off a bit. Got some great ideas, some comedic responses and good conversation. You can find it here

    Long story short, until you're BR100 it'd be silly to not be a member and use a boost. You're spending time out of your life, why wouldn't you want to get as much of a reward as you possibly could? However, at 100 the sheer number of certs you get is problematic. I have to keep spending it on stuff I simply don't want, just to stay under the 10k cert cap.

    This is important though. PS2 is a game I've been wanting for over 25 years. While I very well might stop my membership since I believe the benefits are way, way too weak, I'll still be pushing the same amount of money every month into the game but just buy SC with it instead. I see it as an investment for many future years of entertainment. If you like the game, consider doing the same. But I do sympathize with your view on the (lack of) benefits.
  8. Damingo

    Yeah i will most likely buy items from time to time i just feel the 15 buck a month sub is giving them cash for very little
  9. jihon83

    If you're addicted to the game and are being, hmm, enchanted by the Cert lines and the idea of a "paragon" character, it makes sense to have a membership. That said, I'm happy to simply spend money incidentally with weapons and, perhaps in the future, a few of the camos and armor items. So far, I think I've spent maybe 50-60 dollars and it doesn't feel like a waste.