REPLACEMENT FOR ORDERS CHAT Introduce "abandon base request markers" and "all in request markers" similar to the "defensive request markers" and "offensive request markers". (Only people with a certain leadership directive will have access to this) Abandon base request markers would mitigate the amount of new players capable of spawning in at a base and would also alert people in the hex with yellow text to sacrifice/abandon the base. All in request markers would trigger an all caps yellow text order which alerts everyone on the continent to all in at that base. If under 10 minutes in an alert or event, "FOR THE WIN!" is added to the end of the text. Allow people with the expert or master leadership directive to put out a global command telling their faction to ignore one of the enemy factions. "/factionignore VS" "/factionignore TR" "/factionignore NC" In order for the yellow text to be triggered for ignoring a faction, abandoning a base, or going all in on base, THREE people must place the request for the same base/faction within 5 minutes of each other. Have the "default AI leadership voice actors" use their "get out of here/leave this area" phrases when players are at a base where "abandon" has been triggered and their "get to the fight/objective" phrase globally when an all in is called for. Notes: This adds barriers which trolls will not easily be able to exploit whilst also giving veteran commanders who work together the most essential tools orders chat used to supply. Newbie players who often get farmed and lose alerts fighting at the wrong fights, will now be more easily guided to a more prosperous situation. IMPLANTS Exceptional implants: craft-able for around 5,000 ISO. Notes: I spent over 160,000 certs and 20,000 ISO trying to get carapace. If I'm incredibly frustrated, I'm sure casual players with less certs to spend are, too. Safeguard: Revives carapace players with 1000 health. Bionics players are revived with 100 health and 400 shield. Normal players are revived with full health and half shield. Notes: This will make safeguard a worth while implant for all types of players. Ocular shield: Reduces strength and duration of Flash, EMP and Concussion grenades’ effects on you by 15% / 18% / 23% / 30% / 66%. (No longer gives immunity if med or resto kits have been used) Notes: Removing the requirement of kits for Ocular shield to be useful at max level, opens up more game play options and styles. Removes randomization from the game. Experimental Stims Just make it so using a medkit makes you jump three times as high as max level catlike for 1 jump. (would synergize nicely with heavy weight) And using a restokit makes you run 15% faster for the duration. Notes: Something so “randomizing” does not belong in a first person shooter. Yes, TF2 (a successful game) had random crits, but the vast majority of the community HATED this feature. Assassin: Level 1 Killing an enemy with a headshot removes the “spotted” condition from yourself and a knife kill makes you unable to be spotted again for 1 second. Level 2 Killing an enemy with a headshot removes the “spotted” condition from yourself and a knife kill makes you unable to be spotted again for 1.33 seconds. Level 3 Killing an enemy with a headshot removes the “spotted” condition from yourself and a knife kill makes you unable to be spotted again for 1.66 second. Level 4 Killing an enemy with a headshot removes the “spotted” condition from yourself and a knife kill makes you unable to be spotted again for 2 second. Level 5 Killing an enemy with a headshot removes the “spotted” condition from yourself and a knife kill makes you unable to be spotted again for 3 seconds. Notes: Again... “uncertain percent chance” should not be in an FPS. This will incentivize knife kills and headshots, which is what "assassins" are known for. Sensor Shield Level 1 Your radar signature no longer appears on detection devices outside of 25 meters. Level 2 Your radar signature no longer no longer appears on detection devices outside of 20 meters. Level 3 Your radar signature no longer no longer appears on detection devices outside of 15 meters. Level 4 Your radar signature no longer appears on detection devices outside of 10 meters. You will not be detected within 10 meters if you walk. Level5 Your radar signature no longer appears on detection devices at all. Notes: As it stands, radar/recon is too powerful in this game. It needs a reasonable counter. Making the sensor shield implant viable is one of the ways to do this. Fortify Level 1 Being on a control point will decrease your shield recharge delay timer by 1.5 second. Additionally, being on a control point will increase your shield regenerate rate by 30% Level 2 Being on a control point will decrease your shield recharge delay timer by 1.75 seconds. Additionally, being on a control point will increase your shield regenerate rate by 35% Level 3 Being on a control point will decrease your shield recharge delay timer by 2 seconds. Additionally, being on a control point will increase your shield regenerate rate by 40% Level 4 Being on a control point will decrease your shield recharge delay timer by 2.25 seconds. Additionally, being on a control point will increase your shield regenerate rate by 45% Level 5 Being on a control point will decrease your shield recharge delay timer by 2.5 seconds. Additionally, being on a control point will increase your shield regenerate rate by 50% Notes: The current Fortify implant is too wonky with cool downs and extended effects. This is more straight forward. Players using it will know when it is working and enemies won't have to guess if the guy they are shooting at on the point might have 200 extra hitpoints. Specific notes for Fortify: Synergizes with Advanced Shield Capacitor and Survivalist Engineer on a point with max level Survivalist, Fortify, and ASC= .5 seconds for shields to start recharging. 500 shield recharges in 1.5 seconds. All other classes on a point with max level Survivalist, Fortify, and ASC= 2.5 seconds for shields to start recharging. 500 shield recharges in 1.5 seconds. Regeneration Level 1 Regenerates 25 health per second after not having taken health damage for 6 seconds. Killing an enemy doubles the rate of regeneration for 12 seconds. Taking damage to your health stops the regeneration process and resets the delay timer back to 6. Taking damage to your shield does not stop the process. Level 2 Regenerates 30 health per second after not having taken health damage for 6 seconds. Killing an enemy doubles the rate of regeneration for 12 seconds. Taking damage to your health stops the regeneration process and resets the delay timer back to 6. Taking damage to your shield does not stop the process. Level 3 Regenerates 35 health per second after not having taken health damage for 6 seconds. Killing an enemy doubles the rate of regeneration for 12 seconds. Taking damage to your health stops the regeneration process and resets the delay timer back to 6. Taking damage to your shield does not stop the process. Level 4 Regenerates 40 health per second after not having taken health damage for 6 seconds. Killing an enemy doubles the rate of regeneration for 12 seconds. Taking damage to your health stops the regeneration process and resets the delay timer back to 6. Taking damage to your shield does not stop the process. Level 5 Regenerates 40 health per second after not having taken health damage for 6 seconds. Killing an enemy doubles the rate of regeneration for 12 seconds. Additionally, a headshot kill will halve the delay time from 6 to 3 seconds. Taking damage to your health stops the regeneration process and resets the delay timer back to 6. Taking damage to your shield does not stop the process. Notes: This brings regen into alignment with the new shield timers. Level 5 headshots will bring it into alignment with engineer shield timers. Level 1 and 2 regen are no longer useless because of friendly biolab bonuses. But most of all, this incentivizes players to do less hiding and more shooting. Players will play faster and more aggressively if they know they will be rewarded with health for kills. This would improve game play in many ways. Survivalist: Keep the 1 second passive shield recharge delay reduction. 20% speed boost should kick in at 50% hitpoints rather than 40% health. Remove the cooldown timers so that these affects simply become active when below the 50% HP value and cease having affect when they are above the 50% HP value. Notes: Currently, it works amazingly with carapace because it kicks in slightly after your "shield" is broken, but is nearly useless with Bionics because you need to have 40 HEALTH for it to kick in. 50% HITPOINTS would make it so normal players will receive the benefit when their shield is broken, which is easier to calculate, especially for newer players. The current cooldown and prolonged affects are wonky. If you're below 50% HP, you know it's working. Simple. Assimilate: Headshot kills at max rank now restore 245 shield and do not restore ability energy. Notes: This is an indirect buff to engineer and an indirect nerf to all other classes. New players should to start with level 1 Safeguard and Regen equipped. They will also have Target Focus as an option. Notes: Players who don't start with medkits should have regen as a substitute. Bionics & Carapace combo Using Bionics with Carapace should have a special effect. Your health and shield should be 100% replaced by "sheath". Instead of being blue or green like shield and health. It will be yellow (NC), red (TR), and purple (VS), respectively. Sheath operates like shield AND health but it is neither. If you lose all of your volatile sheath, you EXPLODE and do 20 damage in a 5 meter radius. Medics can not revive you. Sheath recharges at a constant rate of 125 sheath per second when out of action for 3 seconds (2 seconds for engineers). Taking damage stops sheath regeneration and resets the timer. Medkits, resto-kits, mending fields/bubbles, auxiliary shields, medic heals, medic self heal, and advanced shield capacitors DOT NOT work with sheath. Additionally, your character will sparkle/glow yellow (NC), red (TR), and purple (VS), similarly as shields do when they take damage and recharge, constantly, which makes you slightly more visible. Notes: This is just a fun mechanic for experienced vets to have fun with. It is certainly not overpowered or under-powered. Just a different way to play the game.
IMPROVEMENTS TO OLD STUFF Biolab bonus: Now kicks in after 6 seconds rather than 10.Notes: This will speed up game play just as shortening the shield timers did. Concussive grenades: Do not impair or invert mouse movement. Greatly slow, blur vision, and deafen affected players. Also, slightly ROTATE the screen back and forth with the players cross hair always remaining in the center. The rotating throw players eyes slightly off balance, but you will still always be able to find your "center". Effects still stack. Reduce cost to 25 nanites. Notes: Mouse impairment is an annoying feature which the vast majority of players would be glad to see removed. Med-kits & Restoration kits Medkits restore 500 health instantly. Every time a medkit is used within a 3 second window of the previous use, the health awarded is reduced 500/250/150/100. Using a medkit does not automatically equip your primary weapon. Cost: 25 nanites Notes: this greatly mitigated medkit chugging whilst also removing a "forced" choice (switching back to your primary). If a medic wants to pop a medkit and quickly switch to his medtool, or an engi wants to quickly switch to his rep tool, etc etc, they can do this now. Reduced price. On use, the Restoration Kit will apply a healing-over-time effect, healing the user for 900 health over 13 seconds, or 70 health per second. Restoration kits do not stack heals. Cost: 50 nanites Notes: This is a slight buff to restoration kits, but also an increase in their price. Nano repair grenade: When detonated, the grenade creates a field that repairs nearby mechanical targets for 200 hitpoints per second. The grenade can stick to vehicles and MAX units. Lasts for 10 seconds. Multiple grenades from the same Engineer do not stack the repair rate. Cost: 175 nanites Notes: Currently, repair grenades are nearly useless and incredibly overpriced. This will allow repair grenades to be worth while, whilst being expensive. Munitions Pouch: Replace it with "Munitions kit". When equipped, the heavy assault reloads his rocket launchers 20% faster. Notes: The current munitions pouch suit slot option is sort of useless now because heavies carry more rockets. This proposed change will make "Munition Kit" a viable suit slot option. RESIST SHIELD & ADRENALINE SHIELD Resist Shield: Bring back to 40% damage mitigation. Adrenaline Shield: Head shot kills reward 20 additional adrenaline shield. Math notes on Adrenaline and Resist shield: Current Resist Shield: 1000 / 0.65 = 1538 effective hitpoints Current Adrenaline Shield: 1000 + 432 HP = 1432 effective hitpoints (+200 for a kill = 1632) Proposed Resist Shield: 1000 / 0.60 = 1667 effective hitpoints Proposed Adrenaline Shield: 1000 + 432 HP = 1432 effective hitpoints (+220 for a headshot kill = 1652) Notes: Resist shield is too weak because it was nerfed to indirectly nerf carapace.Heal stacking with carapace has mostly been fixed, so this indirect nerf is no longer needed.Resist shield should be slightly stronger in a single engagement between two strong players of equal skill.Adding Nanoweave armor will tilt the fight in favor of the AdrenNanoWeave heavy, as it should.Adrenaline shield players will still have much more up time than resist shield players. GUN STUFF NC Gauss Saw and God Saw stats should be swapped. New players should have the more controllable version. Give the directive unlock the alternative fire, of-course. Alternative fire mode should do more damage to MAXes. VS have their heat mechanic. Give the rest of the NC and TR directive weapons a bit more flare. More rate of fire and accuracy options for TR. More exploding and piercing rounds for NC. Unpopular opinion: VS sniper riffles shouldn’t have bullet drop, but the muzzle velocity should be slowed. Bullet drop isn't that big of a deal. Instead of needing to lead upward at distances, they'll have to lead slightly more left and right when shooting moving targets. It's a fair trade-off which creates asymmetrical balance. Notes: Essentially, everything is the same, except having an auxiliary shield forces rocket users to get headshots in order to get the kill, now. NEW STUFF Engineer ability slot: Radar scrambler. Deployable device which scrambles all enemy recon devices in a 60x60 square in the direction it is facing. Lasts 120 seconds. 2 can be carried. (XP for devices scrambled) (is temporarily disabled by EMPs) (Is hackable by infiltrators). 1000 HP.(Roughly half the size of a spitfire turret) Notes: This will give players another reasonable way for dealing with detection without spending tons of nanites. It will also encourage more fights. Anyone who has played this game long enough knows that if a base is spawn suppressed with copious recon darts, most players just abandon the base all together. Throwing EMP grenades at recon devices/darts which will just be instantly replaced for no nanite cost, is not worth it. Kamikaze Exceptional Implant: When inside of an ESF, if you crash into any vehicle you explode and inflict 4500 direct damage and 500 indirect flak damage. You must remain inside of the ESF and die for this affect to trigger. If your ESF catches on fire while you are in it, you instantly explode. Notes: Guaranteed fatally high cost = potential high reward. AIR STUFF Air Anomaly: Air is 50% off. Notes: You can incentivize people to pull air by making it cheaper. No need for it to be free. Daltons: One shot kill ESF's unless they have composite armor (max rank or near max rank). If they have composite armor, they go on fire. Duster: Direct damage from 175 to to 400 Banshee: Direct damage from 100 to 150. Indirect damage from 150 to 100 ESF's and rockets: Dumbfires and phoenix rockets should 1 shot kill ESF's unless they have composite armor. If they have composite armor, they go on fire. Decimators should always one shot kill ESF's. Notes: Skill shots should be rewarded, whether you are shooting ground to air or air to ground. BASE CHANGES Greatly reduce the "no go zones" around all spawn rooms. Spawn rooms should have more and larger windowed surfaces to shoot out from. Ikinam Bio Lab: Add a fourth and fifth cap point. Make A, B, and C on the inside and have D and E be vehicle capture points. Right now, this base is often entirely decided by vehicles. The epic infantry battles which could take place inside rarely have a chance to even begin. Heyoka Chemical Labs: Reduce/move the no deploy zone so sunderers can be deployed on the eastern side of the point within the "deadly water island". The Bastion: Remove the cap point in the tower and utilize the buildings to the North and South as cap points. This will break up the "horse blinder linear tunnel vision" feel of the base. If the small buildings are used as cap points, you can even add more than 3 cap points. Lithcorp Central: Remove the current portal room which has rendered the crescent building useless. Add 2 jump pads behind the spawn which take you to the left and right side of the roof of crescent and 4 elevators around the crescent building facing the point. (2 up and 2 down). Chimney Rock Depot: Add a tunnel system in the mountain behind the point that a sunderer can be driven into. Have the internal tunnel empty out directly into the point building. Add a tunnel on the left and right facades of the mountain enclave as well. Sungrey Power Hub: Add more stairs from the South and East which can take you up to the point. The way the base currently is, you can very rarely get back on that point if you get pushed off. Perhaps an elevator lift shoot system from under the base, like at Nason's Defiance, would work, as well. Indar Comm. Array: Remove the current sunderer garage.It is way too far away from the point to be useful and is only conducive to newbie players being endlessly farmed. Add a garage on the high ground. The Palisade: Add a lot more rocks and cover to the south of the point. East River Sky Station: Add a sunderer garage to the south side of the crescent building with elevator lifts that take you up to the top. Eli Forest Pass: Add more boxes for cover on the bridges. Remove eastern sunderer garage. Allow sunderers to come inside of the southern half of the complex and deploy closer to the southern mouth of the bridges (such as flush with the L shape building). Potentially add a South Western garage. The Bulwark: Add vehicle energy barrier to the northern entrance of the base that changes faction loyalty depending on who controls the vehicle terminal. Mani Fortress: Make it a two point base. A point where it currently is. B point in the triple stack building to the south by the gate. Geological Survey Post: Add a lot more smaller crystals to and from the point for infantry cover and to impede vehicle spam. Mani Tower: Add a roof covering to the point building THINGS THAT HAVE BEEN ON THE TABLE FOR A LONG TIME Outfit cammo (and perhaps outfit helmet, too) should be a thing. (just like the "outfit decal" decal) Give people another incentive to join an outfit! Outfits help keep this game alive. We train new players. Give us a carrot! Allow more in game ranks to be added for outfits. 07