[Suggestion] Medium Assault -- The ultimate MA

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Mausmane, Apr 7, 2015.

  1. BlueSkies

    Carbines are fantastic if you brought the correct carbine to the fight you end up in.
    Merc and Pulsar C are great short-mid range ADS
    I win more than I lose 1v1 <10m against HAs with Serpent or GD-7F (As long as they don't have, and aren't good with, a jackhammer)
    And of course Lynx is Love
  2. MonnyMoony

    The classes could be made more focussed IMO.

    The infiltrator has already received a modification that focuses the role on sniping or infiltration by virtue of the fact that the stalker cloak removes the primary weapon option. That was a good change IMO. Similar things could be implemented for the other roles.

    The medic and engineer should have their primary weapons removed and should be capable of carrying sidearms only - medics should not have access to C4. These classes could be given extra tools, extra protection or buffed sidearms that are only available to them to compensate - the support functions they perform could also be given a cert buff so that people performing these roles don't lose out.

    The HA could be modified so that the rocket launcher is a primary weapon, rather than a secondary to focus it's role on AI or AV combat.
  3. ATRA_Wampa-One

    I'd agree to this if VS got more than one good AR.
  4. EViLMinD

    Just play the game more. You will learn why an MA would be redundant.
  5. Ronin Oni

    #1: Combat Medic IS the Medium Assault. Heal Aura gives moderate extra durability, not as much as Shield, but more than anyone else, and has the aforementioned AR. It is also key to maintaining the front line with live soldiers.

    #2: There's only 2 support classes, Medic and Engineer. LA is a flank combat class. HA is the direct front line assault combat class. Infiltrator is another sort of flank or long range support combat class. Both Engineers and Medics are also still quite combat capable, with the medic moreso having the BEST primary weapon category (Engineers get cool toys though)

    There is no place for this new supposed class. Infil and LA have access to faster running via suit slot. Damage resistance is just like HA's resist shield. Engineer is loaded with Sticky nades and explosives.
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  6. Ronin Oni

    I heal.... by using the Aura :p

    I'll only top people off with medgun if there's nothing to shoot at. Otherwise, you've still got your shield, live on that. Until you die. Then I'll have you at 100% in 1 second no problem.

    Heals are not for in combat, only out of combat.

    Besides the Aura heal of course. I can use that while putting lead (lasorz) down range.
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  7. Iridar51

    Well I didn't mean "heal" heals, I meant everything med-tool related.
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  8. Ronin Oni

    I know, I was just elaborating on proper Combat Medic playstyle.
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    I'm a supporter of the MA, but I think this post might have converted me. Everything's a support, it's actually really cool.

    But wait... Light Assault

    LA is not a support, but a full, pure combat class. So should we give Medics carbines and LA Assault Rifles? What would be the balance issues associated with that?
  10. Gundem

    Well, if that did happen, what would you suggest we do to LMG's as buffs in exchange? They are pretty much the worst class of automatic weapons in the game, with the ADS accuracy of carbines, but without the hipfire benefits.

    Personally I wish LMG's were actually dangerous, devastating weapons that were suicide to attempt to 1v1, but were very slow, required deployment for any reasonable accuracy, and had better models as well. Current "LMG's look like crap.

    I wonder if you could balance a form of active benefit for healing. Something like TF2's Overheal, something that would reward classes for sticking around their medics and keeping them alive, as well as the medics who supply this buff, perhaps with partial kill credit on recently buffed targets, similar to TF2 again.
  11. AxiomInsanity87

    How about rename that ability to combat stims and give them to the LA. Utility slot item that functions the same as medkits but offers the mentioned buffs for a few seconds?.
  12. Taemien

    Everything you suggested is actually covered by the Medic.

    Medic has Assault Rifles. And SMGs, Shotguns, and Battlerifles

    Armor... heavy has the same armor as eveyone else cept the Infiltrator. Shield boosts this. But the AOE heal of the medic is exactly the middle ground between Heavy and every other class in terms of effective HP. In fact.. if the medic doesn't take too much burst, the AOE heal out performs the HA shield over time.

    Equipment: Grenade Bandoleer gives 4 grenades to the medic.

    Special Ability: what you suggest isn't needed with the Assault Rifle, it already is those things compared to Carbines.

    The only reason people think the Medic is a support class is because of the name. When used offensively it is more capable than the Engineer, Light Assault, or Infiltrator. In some cases it can even out perform the heavy.

    As an added boost, Medics can use C4, you didn't indicate a so called MA could even do that.

    Here's my suggestion, rename Medic to Medium Assault just to end the debate. Keep its abilities. Funny how some people quote Battlefield. In BF2142 (the BF game closest to PS2), the Assault class WAS the class that carried heals and rezes. Pretty sure that was the inspiration for the medic in PS2.

    If you're looking for a MA class, just spec out your medic with an offensive loadout. C4, Grenade Bandoleer with Frag Grenades, and juice up your AOE heal and spend more time with the Assault Rifle out than the healing tool.

    It works.. and well. You just might tick off your teammates a bit who are expecting a rez bot. But screw it, play how you want.
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  13. Zombo

    how about assault rifles instead of LMGs, which are terrible in every way but ammo per clip?
  14. Taemien

    Is that why the Orion, Carv, and Anchor are the best at getting kills during alerts?
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  15. Zombo

    no, thats because of heavy having the overshield
    if a HA could use ARs, i think you'd never see an LMG again
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  16. Taemien

    You're putting way too much emphasis on that shield.
  17. Sulsa

    So you want a 'dedicated combat class' that can't outperform the current dedicated combat class?
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  18. Atis

    So, squishy ZOE for 0 nanites? Extra fast movement and TTK with lowered recoil in game where sometimes you are dead before enemy even render and small speed advantage of Orion was source of constant QQ? What could possible go wrong...

    Basically, you want class, winning duel with any other class and boosting IVI score, like we don't have enough players concerned about their precious personal stats only.

    How about NO? How about we have only classes designed for massive combined arms battles and all class changes will encourage teamplay and pursuing objectives, not stat padding?
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  19. Jubikus

    Infiltrator- scout/sniper
    Heavy assault-AV/combat -tankiness
    Combat Medic-Support/combat (this is the closest thing to an actaul medium assault)
    Light assault- Av/combat-mobility
    Max-Limited power unit. Anti anything

    Basically every class in this game can fill 2 rolls pretty well theres really no need to split things up too. In normal FPS i would agree however in planetside 2 every class needs to have some versatility because the battles are ever changing on a different scale than other FPS and with a combined arms theme and personally im glad i only have to cert out the classes we have and that theres not more.
  20. RedArmy

    Medium Assault = Engi/Medic