Medics - why are 99% of them not resurrecting MAX Units?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by tbot, Mar 20, 2013.

  1. Urban Cohort

    I guess I can't speak for all Medics then. I play to win, not for certs...

    I pretty much do a quick rundown before every revive. Chances of someone murdering me as I revive? How about the area, will they just spawn->die? Can they back into cover very quickly? Should I focus on healing my teammates or getting guns back in the fight?

    My favorite is when I have to triage a bunch of people...sort of saving up for the rez grenade, but that's gonna be a while.
  2. Zerran

    I get the feeling a lot of the medics just swap to it as an alternate role when in a large fight. At least, the vast majority of the medics I run in to tend to have absolutely no idea what they're doing. I can't count the times I took damage, got back into some relatively safe cover, see a medic, hit v2 a few times and he just stands there for a second and then runs off.

    Or the times I get rezzed by a medic when they had no business rezzing me, as there's tank shells exploding on my dead body. (Can be very hard to tell if it's safe to rez or not once the map comes up)

    I carry med kits as a rule now unless I absolutely have to have something else in that slot, like on my engie.

    Not to be critical of the small number of medics that actually play a medic. I am well aware that medics are combat medics, but if someone runs up to them and asks for healing when they are in a relatively safe location, they really aught to not just run off.
  3. ElastaPlast

    Isn't that the definition of insanity? Doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result. :confused:
    • Up x 2
  4. huundar

    Yep and you sir are in that group.
  5. Being@RT

    The other day I revived a guy next to teleporter room spawn shield. I just couldn't do it anymore after the third try, he never managed to move an inch and was 5cm away from safety.

    He wasn't camped by scattermaxes though, what with me being NC and all. Turns out MANA turret and some Mercies do the job well enough :D
  6. Xasapis

    Why shouldn't they be?
  7. {joer

    Ever tried to take down NC in a biolab where they have semi compenent players? Guarding the dead maxes so they can't get a res is just part of the fun right?
  8. Xasapis

    It works both ways. I had my own max body guarded by my outfit mates until a medic arrived and got me up.

    Still, in the era where everyone is a potential NC mini-max (via the pump action shotgun), why shouldn't a max be rezzable?
  9. Krayus_Korianis

    If a Medic can resuscitate a MAX... Why should an Engineer be able to heal one?

    Remove Resuscitation from MAXes is what I vote for.
  10. Being@RT

    Have them half-half? And losing both armor and health bars at the same time!