Medics - to much "MMO" not enough "FPS"

Discussion in 'Combat Medic' started by Evil Monkey, Mar 18, 2013.

  1. Wrel Developer

    Interested in learning more about this Death Medic I hear so much about.
  2. Blitzkrieg

    Bloody hell, do people not know what MMO means... IT MEANS MASSIVELY MULTIPLAYER ONLINE It doesn't mean RPG (Role Playing Game). Can you bunch of planks stop saying mixing the two up. If you don't know the difference you shouldn't be playing.
  3. Whateverworks

    The other problem I've run into is the apparent fascination medics generate. You know the drill - You've finally just managed to take a hard-fought control room, and you have your meditool out reviving people. Suddenly you are shot in the back dead before you can turn around or get your gun back out because every assault trooper in the room was watching you revive instead of watching the doorways/perimeter.

    I propose a medic cloak. No, wait, hear me out. I want a medic cloak that ONLY hides us from our own side, and only while we are doing a revive, except other friendly medics can see me too. That way other troopers will get on with securing the area, and I can work without a hundred eyes following me. It will have the bonus of making my medical malpractice insurance payments cheaper, too, as there will be less witnesses. ;)
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  4. Evil Monkey

  5. Worph

    Doesn't make has point invalid, you know damn well what he means.
  6. Blitzkrieg

    His point and so is this thread is completely stupid. All its trying to do is wheel the medic towards "lets drop a medic kid on the floor like BF3." The medic is fine and it's good fun to play. If people want to stand there with their medic gun out to heal people then good for them! People need healing and resurrecting, and some one is complaining people are supporting the team? Christ the new people to Planetside whine about anything. It's pathetic.

    Just because some people are playing medic differently to how you want them to, you make a thread crying about it while still not knowing the difference between an MMO and RPG.

    Waste of time.
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  7. Evil Monkey

    Ok, I'll respond to the troll, if only because he made me smile....

    I am quite offended to be called stupid by someone who thinks I want people to "drop medic kids on the floor" (I would never drop a kid, let alone a medic one - it's just mean ;) ) and who comes out with gems like "Can you bunch of planks stop saying mixing the two up" whatever the heck that means. At no stage did I say the words"mixing the two up" and I wonder why saying these words would offend you so much. Further using your logic, perhaps people who cannot understand the difference between intelligible and unintelligible English (or the difference between humour and a "whine") should not use the forums.

    If you want to be one of those four or five medics that stand around with healing guns out, without anyone ready to defend against a heavy walking through the door, I don't want to take that playstyle away from you at all. It just seems somewhat lemming-like in PS2, which is mostly a shooter with "grind" elements and shares little in common with your average "MMO" - in fact PS2 seems to derive many influences from games like Bf2142.

    However this approach does remind me of other MMOs (yes, massively multiplayer online games) such as EvE Online and Guild Wars where people attempt to "tank" enemy fire by outhealing enemy "dps" - which are common "MMO" terms which are also shared with many "RPGs".
  8. Kaerius

    Personally medic is one of my least played classes, though I've started certing it up recently and do well with it. I play rambo medic, if there's enemies in sight I shoot, unless I'm with a large group, then I can hang back and heal a bit. If I see someone go down I don't just rush to rez immediately either, I try to clear the immediate area first if possible, would be silly feeding the enemy two more free kills.

    I use the Cycler TRV with NVIR and foregrip. It's a CQC beast, and not bad out to mid, or even mid-long if I switch to semi-auto(yes you don't have to stay in full-auto firemode all the time).

    It's the class I have the easiest time getting kill streaks with short of a MAX thanks to that wonderful self-heal and firepower.
  9. HlllBllly

    As for myself, I kill enemies first and heal second. If I die healing when we are taking fire then I cannot res at all. Plus I would say I'm a better shot than the average healer.

    And yes mmo does not equal rpg!
  10. Dalzaar¤

    Most of the time I keep my gun ready and shoot enemies when I'm on a medic,if someone get's a flesh wound then I pop nano-regen and let that heal em up.I take the heal-gun out if people die so I can get em back into the fight(and sweet exp for me).

    I used to avoid the medic and mostly run around as engineer or HA but ever since I got the H-V45 I have played more medic....that gun is awesome!
  11. MrLee.NO

    I've played 40% of my total time as medic. And I agree that this is the thing that irritates me the most. Especially when it's just me and another guy holding a point.

    How stupid can you get? About the same as with generators. I've already started priming/stabilizing it when you enter the room, WHYOHGODWHY would you walk up to it and plant your face in it and start doing the same damn thing when you KNOW I will get it done before you can finish? Guard the bleeeping door!
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  12. Ganjis

    Nothing more annoying than being below half health with 5 medics around refusing to heal you, but waiting for you to die instead for moar points!!! I refuse revives in those circumstances.

    Actually, there is one thing more annoying, not getting a rez in a MAX suit when you see 5 "+" icons running around.
  13. X3Killjaeden

    He's hoping that somebody gets in there and kills you so he can finish :D
    I prefer people doing that then killing me to get overload xp. Thats the most assinine thing ever done to me.

    what is annoying if i'm hurrying to revive a max with my max level rez tool - and a newbie comes first and revives the max with like 1% HP. He could as well just let him respawn... I always prioritize to revive maxes if i see them dead somewhere - unless the situation doesnt make it viable.
    Lvl 6 tool is pretty awesome for really getting your team up and ready. Combined with flakvest its awesome to revive a whole squad in a couple of seconds and continue like nothing happened ^^

    And another annyoing thing - players who lie at the same spot dead for the whole battle, trolling/distracting all medics in the area.
  14. Jamiean [NC]

    Huzzah! I came here to post a rant about this but someone beat me to it.

    It p**ses me off no end when I see other Medics squatting behind a rock with their tool pointing into the sky. You have a rifle for a reason, if nobody is dead, shoot something. Help your team. Some people are clearly abusing medic as an XP farming class than actually being useful to their squad.
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  15. Orikx

    You completely missed his whole point. The way he went about it may not have been the best approach but he was still right.

    The "Tank" aspect of the games isn't the MMO part it's the RPG part. MMO's have Massive Multiplayers Online, "Tank" is a word derived from RPG's where you have a "Role" of soaking up massive amounts of damage. You mention Eve and GW as a way to prove your MMO point but missed the fact that they are MMORPG's. Notice Planetside is called an MMOFPS, that implies a massive amount of people participating in a FPS. Unlike many other FPS games where you join a server with a small set amount of players, like 32.

    You could categorize PS2 as a MMORPG if you wanted to because technically people do play specific roles and some people even role play the NC, TR, VS aspect of the game but they call it an MMOFPS because RPG is generally reserved for games that are based on a roll of the dice style of combat situation. Like I swing my ax at you and behind the scenes the game does a roll of the dice to compare my attack rating to your def rating. Similar to the D&D style of combat it is just done in real time on many of the MMORPG's. They did also incorporate some RPG aspects like the leveling/certs system which is typical of an RPG.

    Note RPG does not imply Trolls, Orcs, and mages. There are Sci-Fi MMORPG's like Eve and there are Fantasy MMORPG's like WoW. This also is true in pen and paper RPG's, they have Sci-Fi and Fantasy.

    His post was based off the point that people "mix up the two." You say "Medics to much MMO not enough FPS" when what you should be saying is "Medics to much RPG not enough FPS." People do in fact need to treat this game like an MMO because if they don't then they won't expect the massive amount of people waiting in the tower to kill them.
  16. MrLee.NO

    with level 6 heal tool, it's faster to rez than to heal.
  17. Ganjis

    You can still hit F to AoE heal and it is generally better to have a full health soldier with a rifle in front of you than a corpse when the enemy come.
  18. Orikx

    I am actually surprised i don't see more medic's use the Nano-Regen. Maybe I just miss it but rarely see it used. Instead everyone runs around with their Medgun out. Even if there is only 1 other person around I will often use my Nano-regen to heal them if I'm not sure if there are enemies near or we are in heavy combat. That way I can keep my gun out to kill someone coming through the door. It regens fast enough that I never find I'm needing it and it's not ready and I only have lvl 3.
  19. Ganjis

    As well as the advantage if not needing to aim through a sea of healthy people to target the wounded one. If I hear "I need a medic!" from close enough (even if I have med tool equipped), I just hit F and sensible people run to the green-glowing fellow with the white hat and backpack. I have it at next to top rank (I think top just reduces cooldown) and it seems to heal as fast as my maxed med tool anyway (which seems odd).
  20. Tyrranis

    I tend to go 50/50 in that situation between the medical tool and primary weapon. If no-one's hurt, I pull out my rifle with the 3.4x scope and help out by spotting and shooting targets.